Humanity and Nature: A Brief Understanding

EcoConsciousness by Jai
2 min readFeb 10, 2020


The virtues that are a product of living with nature: love and compassion, a depth of understanding, empathy.

Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash (Kauai, where our journey began)

We need to see a world that is healed. This is my vision and fundamental hope for humanity—raising our vibration individually, collectively, societally.

I see this only possible if we resort to nature—if humanity makes a commitment to proliferating nature, understanding his own nature while in it, with it, and amongst it.

Nature provides us the perfect opportunity to still ourselves and understand the workings. What workings? The workings or happening of life.

The interconnectedness that results from species interacting and working together or an intuitive understanding that results in a connection with everyone and everything.

Breeding compassion from nature’s nest is a matter of observation of self and one’s surroundings, when one experience how a symbiosis of life works to make everything happen in nature.

Naturally we come to see and value everything that plays a role in the happening. We tend ourselves with more patience, more understanding, and more self-compassion, as this becomes a product of what we watching. This opens the gateway for us to understand and empathize more with one another, as life and as humanity.

I love to see humanity amidst a rise to aid nature, whether through tree-planting, soil carbon absorption, or regenerative agriculture.

However, I also encourage those who do not have the benefits of living closer with and to nature, to try spending more time in it and amongst it.

This allows one to develop tools and insights that awaken one to the vitalness to an enhanced quality of life going forward.

Our world is going through major changes,

but if there is one thing we can all unite on it is nature. It is the fundamental reason for recognizing and experiencing the privileges of what it means to be alive. A world of more nature that proliferates the highest quality and exemplars of human virtues will in turn proliferate a society that acts accordingly. It does not mean a ‘perfect’ society for such world is only the concept we make it to be according ot our picture. It just means a world of more love and compassion.

Our healing is our birthright.



EcoConsciousness by Jai

Environment | Consciousness | Healing. Solutions for today, tomorrow, for the individual and collective-societal.