Liberland — The Land of Opportunities

5 min readOct 20, 2018


Interested in living and investing in an ideal economic system? Experts say that opportunity never knocks twice. Liberland could be the solution to this fairy tale system. Majority of us don’t believe in the existence of a free economy. The Free Republic of Liberland is a dream come true! The lack of knowledge is the foundation of all life failures. Find more about this amazing discovery in this article.

Where is Liberland?

Sandwiched between Serbia and Croatia, on the west bank of river Danube is the Free Republic of Liberland. Successful people bring into existence new ideas where none existed. President Vit Jedlicka mapped a new path and grabbed the opportunity to form a new sovereign state on April 13th,2015. It came into being after a border dispute between Serbia and Croatia. It was resolved that the land is made a no man’s land until president Vit Jedlicka decided to exploit the opportunity and proclaimed it as a republic of Liberland.

Free Republic of Liberland Map

For those interested with the geographical location of the Liberland Map, it`s located on 45º 46' N, 18º 52'’ E of the globe. Its size of 7 square kilometers makes it appear like a tiny peck on the Europe map. It is occupying the land initially known as Gornja Siga.

The official language in Liberland is English. Even though law amendments are underway, the country is to be governed by laws stipulated in the constitution of the Free Republic of Liberland.

The constitution contains a clear set of administrative and social policy frameworks to help run the country.

Wondering on how to get the much coveted Liberland citizenship? Worry no more. Below is a clarification on how to acquire the Liberland citizenship.

The Free Republic of Liberland Citizenship

Applications for citizenship are ongoing with massive requests currently being received. Applicants are required to meet some set standards. The motto suggests, to live and let live, tolerance to behavior and opinions of others is the key to survival in this sovereign micronation. It’s a requirement for applicants to respect private ownership of a property to be granted Liberland citizenship. None ethnic, religion, and racial discrimination is also an area of concern. Liberland citizenship is available for anyone who doesn’t support discriminative ideologies. This is because the desire for freedom was the main driver for the formation of this state. One should also have no record of conviction in the past.

According to statistics, 2015 April, it received over 200,000 citizenship applications in a week time. As you can see, citizenship is on high demand. Therefore, if you intend to apply for citizenship in this country, first ensure you meet all the requirements, and you will be good to go.

Citizenship application is made online. You need to visit this website, click on citizenship icon and register with the site. After registering with the site, you can apply for citizenship. The following are the requirement for citizenship application: First and last name, gender, E-mail address, Date of birth, Phone number, current place of residence, street, city/town, Postal/ZIP code, country, occupation, latest annual income, and religious belief.

How to Increase the Chances of Becoming a Citizen

Trying to find out how you can facilitate getting this citizenship? It’s unrealistic to grant citizenship to everyone who requests it. Therefore, the government welcomes people to participate in nation building and increase their chances of becoming Liberland citizens.

It requires donors and well-wishers to support them by offering financial resources. You can assist in raising the GDP by investing in their economy. This also creates employment opportunities for residents. By doing this, you will get a passport. The idea of backing this theory is that nation-building will assist in the maintenance of a stable government.

Interestingly, it has no army, and it doesn’t plan to have one. This is to clear the doubts of the entrepreneurs fearing for military coups which cause civil wars in new states. It is a safe haven!

The Government and the Economy of Liberland

Research and analysis on how to put the ideologies in practice are ongoing. Creation of a free economy is among the most prioritized ideas. Payment of taxes is optional, and voting is electronic. Liberland is recruiting a skilled workforce from any part of the world. Why not grab this lifetime opportunity when the chance still exists?

The Liberland government is decentralized. Residents make decisions and planning of the country. Imagine living in a place where no one dictates to you what to do.

Liberland Currency

Liberland uses cryptocurrency. Use of cryptocurrency will do away with the need for the central bank and will minimize regulation. This economic freedom is in line with the country’s libertarian spirit. The founder of the country believes that in 10 -15 years Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will replace the banking sector and hence the use of cryptocurrency.

Liberland Population

Half a million people have applied for Liberland citizenship. According to the founder of this country-Vit Jedlicka, this population is a great start to build a country.

Liberland 2018 Events

2018 has been a nice year. Many events have taken place, and others are yet to happen. Some of the events which have taken place are UK: LPUK conference, Serbia: Kustendorf Festival, Liberland celebration of the third anniversary in cooperation with D10e and launch of ICO, among many other events.

Some of the events which will take place will be the USA visit- whose focus is to further the country’s growth and development, London visit, Liberthon event, among many others.

Liberthon 2018 — Hack the Future of Nations

Liberland announced this event in collaboration with Spacemesh. Liberthon 2018 will take place from 8–9 November 2018 at Spacemesh Offices, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. It will be an event of its own for reinventing the way countries work using P2P decentralized technologies. So, if you are an experienced app developer, designer, or an entrepreneur with a passion for P2P decentralized technologies, Liberthon 2018 is for you. Liberthon participants are called upon to uniquely invent apps that can disrupt Liberland nationwide infrastructures using standard client-server architectures and P2P technologies. Below are some of the potential project to choose from:

  • Decentralized voting and decision-making systems.
  • Transportation systems
  • Assets and citizenship registration
  • Efficient smart cities
  • Voluntary taxation systems
  • Digital identities and vetting
  • Infrastructures for NGOs
  • Bureaucracy reduction solutions
  • Infrastructure resource management systems
  • Any social impact project that can benefit fairness and empower the individual citizen.

In Conclusion, Liberland is a micronation with many possibilities and opportunities. If you are a developer, a designer, or an entrepreneur, lifetime opportunities await you!

This post was first published on eCoin4dummies Websites




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