Important Details About International Baccalaureate Schools

Ecole Mondiale
3 min readJul 13, 2018


Education has always been important as it is the foundation of a good life. Earlier, there were only basic schools. Times have changed, and now there are different kinds of schools offering a wide range of education to the students. The latest program that is turning out to be popular in India is the IB PYP schools. It stands for International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. This is managed by the IB for the children who are aged between 3 and 12 years. In this kind of program, the subjects that are taught are mathematics, arts, technology, language, science, physical education, personal education, social studies, and social education too.

In addition to this, there are second language subjects as well; however, they are mostly optional. The assessment of students is done by the teachers as per the set procedures. One of the major aspects of the IB PYP Schools is internationalism. So what is this all about? It means that the students of these schools are given the exposure to international education. The faculty of the schools try different techniques of teaching from different countries of the world and come up with new ideas to give their students the best education possible.

While the PYP schools are for the primary school children, the MYP schools are for the middle-aged ones. This program focuses on the intellectual challenges. This program takes up children aged between 11 and 16 and it teaches them about the practicalities of the real world. This program helps the students in dealing with different issues that occur locally and globally.

Without any doubt, the result of this kind of education is reflective, creative, and critical thinkers. With robust and advanced digitalisation, such PYP and MYP schools are flourishing and giving intellectual and kind students to the world who are then working for the betterment of the world.

Details of IB diploma program

After the primary and mid levels of education, there comes a diploma level for the students. IB diploma schools are designed for the students who are aged between 16 and 19. These schools help students expand their knowledge in terms of emotions, physicality, ethics, and intellectuality. The basic curriculum of this program is divided into six groups and they include– DP core, extended essays, the theory of knowledge, activity, creativity, and service. Once a student successfully completes these programs, he or she will become an asset to the nation and its development.

Students are like buds and hence they need the right guidance to blossom into a beautiful flower. Plus, they also need the right kind of education to become a smart person. Education is important not just to earn money but also to become a compassionate person. And if you want your kids to grow in every way then get them admitted in such IB schools. If you are in India, you will find a lot of such schools in every city in the country. Check them out, talk to the faculty and staff, know more about the education system, and enrol your kids for a guaranteed bright future.

