Database design — #4

Deepa Varma
2 min readJan 27, 2019


This is the 4th in the series of My first app using Laravel and React.

Here I am going to post a snapshot of my database structure. I also have mapped basic relationships between them. Hopefully they are normalized to an expert’s satisfaction.

A company which manages projects posts details about them; the relationship is captured in Company_Project table.

A project creates, or hopes to create, one or more nature values during its lifetime and this relationship is captured by the Project_Value table.

Users are not directly linked to Projects or Companies, although a company member can also be a user; there is not such a restriction. The registered user can chose which value he/she prefers and can give a rating of 1 to 5 with a description of why. This relationship is shown in User_Project_Value_Rate table.

In the front end, the user can browse through all projects and nature values for each project. The user can then select and rate preferred values on a scale of 1–5 (to have them represented as stars would be nice add-on). Maybe also a wishlist 😍 of values linked to projects (or wish for in a specific project ??)

It would be a dream to have tested it with many people and to know which value is preferred the most and why 😎. Will the project owners agree to people’s choices 🤔?



Deepa Varma

Reviving interests midway through life: writing, coding full stack, watercolour and digital art. My website in React: