How to use OpenAI Sora?

4 min readFeb 16, 2024


OpenAI’s latest project is called Sora, a powerful text-to-video model that can generate mind-blowing videos based on simple text prompts. This cutting-edge AI model allows users to describe a scene, such as “A man walks on the moon with a dog,” and Sora will generate a photorealistic video that matches the description. As with previous OpenAI projects like DALL-E and ChatGPT, Sora is expected to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and create content.

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Technology behind the scenes:

Sora is built on OpenAI’s state-of-the-art language model, GPT. The technology uses a process called “diffusion,” which starts with a pattern of random dots and gradually refines it to match the text prompt. This process is repeated for each frame, resulting in a smooth video.

Sora’s ability to generate high-quality videos is made possible by its massive neural network, which has been trained on a vast dataset of videos and images. This training allows Sora to understand the relationships between objects, movements, and scenes, enabling it to generate videos that are not only visually stunning but also contextually accurate. The platform is still in its early stages, and OpenAI has emphasized that it is taking precautions to ensure the responsible use of the technology. Nonetheless, Sora represents a significant leap forward in the field of AI-generated content, and its potential applications are truly exciting.

What makes OpenAI’s approach to text-to-video technology uniquely successful compared to other AI companies like Google and Facebook?

OpenAI’s success with Sora can be attributed to its dedicated focus on AI research and development, coupled with its access to vast computational resources and datasets. Unlike tech giants like Google and Facebook, which have diverse business interests, OpenAI is exclusively devoted to advancing AI. This singular focus allows them to allocate more resources to AI research and attract top talent in the field. Additionally, OpenAI has been at the forefront of innovation with projects like GPT, which serves as the backbone for Sora. By continuously pushing the boundaries of what AI can do, OpenAI has developed a deep understanding of neural network architectures and training techniques that have given them a competitive edge.

Finally, OpenAI has also benefited from its partnership with Microsoft, which has provided substantial financial and technical resources. This partnership has enabled OpenAI to accelerate its research and development, leading to breakthroughs like Sora that other companies may have struggled to achieve.

Is OpenAI’s SORA available for public use?

Currently, OpenAI’s Sora is not available for public use. OpenAI is taking a cautious approach, providing access to a select group of red team members, who are experts in areas such as misinformation, hateful content, and bias, to help identify potential issues or risks. Additionally, OpenAI is granting access to visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to gather feedback on improving the model. The goal is to ensure that Sora is developed and deployed in a responsible manner, considering the potential implications of such a powerful AI tool.

OpenAI has not yet announced a timeline for when Sora will be available to the general public. However, given the rapid pace of AI development, it is reasonable to expect that Sora, or a similar tool, might become more widely accessible in the coming years.

Can you make a full feature film using this platform?

While Sora’s capabilities are indeed impressive, it’s unlikely that it can currently produce a full feature film entirely on its own. While Sora can generate short video clips based on text prompts, a full feature film requires a cohesive plot, character development, and a variety of scenes and settings. Additionally, the technology’s current limitations in terms of computational resources, training data, and ethical considerations might hinder its ability to produce a feature-length film.

However, Sora could potentially be used as a tool to assist in the creative process of filmmaking. For instance, it could generate storyboards, create short sequences, or produce visual effects, saving time and effort for filmmakers. As the technology continues to evolve, it’s possible that AI models like Sora might eventually be capable of producing more complex and longer videos, perhaps even feature-length films.

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Does Sora just produce video or the sounds as well?

While the primary focus of Sora is on generating video content, it does have the capability to generate simple sounds and music to accompany the videos. However, the quality and complexity of the generated audio are not on par with its video generation capabilities. Sora can generate basic sound effects, ambient noise, and musical notes that match the tone and mood of the video. But for a fully immersive experience, filmmakers or content creators might still need to incorporate more complex audio elements like dialogue, voiceovers, or a full soundtrack.

As with its video generation abilities, the audio generation capabilities of Sora are likely to improve over time as the technology continues to advance and developers gather more feedback from users.

How to use OpenAi Sora?

Currently, OpenAI Sora is not available for public use. Access is limited to a select group of red team members and visual artists, designers, and filmmakers. These individuals are working with OpenAI to test and improve Sora’s capabilities, ensure responsible use, and gather feedback for future developments.

However, once Sora or a similar tool becomes publicly available, the process of using it will likely involve providing text prompts to guide the AI in generating videos. Users might input descriptions of scenes, characters, or actions, and Sora would generate a corresponding video based on its understanding of the text. The level of user input might vary depending on the application and the user’s level of expertise.

For now, those interested in using Sora will need to stay tuned for updates. We will keep updating this article 👍

How to use OpenAi Sora?




Following the trend & understanding its present, future impact is my passion. Like to take deep dives where divers dare.