How to use Suno Ai?

4 min readFeb 6, 2024


Suno Ai is an interesting Ai music generator. In this post I will write how to use this tool. I use the web version of Suno Ai.

How to use Suno Ai to make a complete song 👆

How to create a longer song or music?

Step 1: First create a default clip. In real time, you will create many clips for the same Lyrics. Choose the clip you like the best > click on the dotted menu icon on right ( ) In the menu that opens you will find the option to ‘Continue from this clip’ > Click on it.

How to use Suno Ai longer music

Step 2: Now Suno Ai, will create a new blank clip as a continuation to the first one. If you want the tune, rhythm and style to follow the first clip > leave the ‘Style of Music’ field blank in the second clip. Enter the new lyrics in the ‘Lyrics box’ > hit the ‘Continue’ button. Suno will always create 2 variations of a clip. You will see the continued clips labeled as ‘Part 2’.

If you want more variation of the ‘part 2' > Repeat Step: 1 . Keep going until you find a part 2 that seems the best continuation of part 1.

Step 3: Once you get the perfect part 2 > click on the dotted menu icon on right ( ) In the menu that opens you will find the option to ‘Get whole song’ > Click on it. And a new clip will be created with the label ‘Full song’.

Suno Ai, How to create long version of music

If you want to still elongate the music, select part 2 > click on the dotted menu icon on right ( ) In the menu that opens again click ‘Continue from this clip’. Suno will generate a new clip Part 3. You can create as many part 3 clips you want. Once you get a perfect one, generate the ‘Full song’ as mentioned in step 3.

How to download a complete song?

Choose the clip or part you want to download > click on the dotted menu icon on right ( ) In the menu that opens again choose ‘Download Audio’ or ‘Download Video’.

How to get a specific gender for the voice vocals?

You will need to mention it in the Metadata or ‘Style of Music’ field. In the style of Music field you can mention the singer details after writing the genre. Ex: Dance Pop Female singer or Dance Pop Male Singer etc.

Metadata is the keywords you put in [square brackets] inside the lyrics. For example [Verse] [Chorus] etc. In the metadata also you can mentioned the singer. Ex: [Verse female singer]. You can also try just putting the gender name like [Jenifer] [Adam] etc. above each section of lyrics.

You will need to mix and match and try different times to get the proper voice you desire.

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How to stop the beats abruptly while signing the lyrics?

Use the [Metatags] to mention it. Try putting in [No beats] in between a verse for a song and the model will keep singing the lyrics cutting out the beats.

How to structure song in Suno Ai to sound perfect?

Well, there is no definite answer for this. As there are different song structures across different cultures. But here is a decent structure I follow:

This Tamil Pop song was made using the below structure

[Verse 1] 4 lines lyrics with approx 6 words per line. Use ABAB rhyme scheme.

[Pre-Chorus] 2 line lyrics with ~5 words per line that talk about the feeling. Dont Rhyme it.

[Chorus] 4 line lyrics with ~5 words per line. Only the 2nd & 4th line rhymes. Dont rhyme 1st and 3rd line. If possible keep the 2nd & 4th line ~3 words per line.

[Verse 2] 4 lines lyrics with approx 6 words per line. Use ABAB rhyme scheme.

[Bridge] 4 lines lyrics with approx 6 words per line. Keep the bridge for explaining the feeling of the song in a very intense manner. Like love feel etc.

[Pre-Chorus] 2 line lyrics with ~5 words per line that talk about the feeling. Dont Rhyme it.

[Chorus] 4 line lyrics with ~5 words per line. Only the 2nd & 4th line rhymes. Dont rhyme 1st and 3rd line. If possible keep the 2nd & 4th line ~3 words per line.

As mentioned, you need to try various variations 😇 If you get a really good punchy chorus coming out, it will stick in the users head and keep them humming it.

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Please post your questions in comment. I will answer promptly 👍

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To be continued…




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