Coupang: How to Create a Coupang Seller Account for Global Sellers

2 min readJun 13, 2022


Coupang Series #3: Creating a Global Seller Account. What do you know about Coupang, the South Korean version of Amazon?

Sell on Coupang

In today’s post, we are going to finally learn how to create an account for Coupang. While this information could be easily found when you browse the Internet (or not), behold as we are going to tell you some key information that we BET you cannot find anywhere else online in our upcoming posts that follow. But first things first. Let’s now find out how to create a Global seller account for Coupang.


This post is for those who are looking for creating a Global Seller Account. NOT a Local Seller Account. Please note that these two are intrinsically different, and we will deal with this in our next posts.

To those Global Sellers that have an EID(Employer ID Number; a.k.a. business registration number) of countries other than South Korea, follow the links below.

Register for Coupang as a Global Seller

Don’t worry, everything is translated in English, so you don’t have to worry about not understanding the language. In the following link, click Sign Up.

What to Prepare

You need:

  • Business License (EID of your Corporation)
  • Proof of identification (Scan of your passport identification)
  • Bank letter or statement
  • Proof of business ownership
  • Proof of contact number

Follow along with:

Pretty straightforward, right?

Once you finish, it will take about a week or so until you receive your Coupang Wing account. After, you can follow the link below to Sign in for your account.

Sign in

Once you do, you can manage products and start selling. For details, we will make sure to deal with the account management in our upcoming posts.

Originally published at on June 13, 2022.

