Innovation Ecosystem Leader & Social Platform Entrepreneur Added to Summit Sessions

The Econic Team
3 min readMar 15, 2017


The Inside/Outside Innovation Summit, to be held on June 19–21 in Lincoln, NE, has selected leading corporate and startup innovation speakers that offer practical tools and techniques for accelerating and injecting innovation into organizations.

Two new speakers include an Innovation Ecosystem Designer and Social Platform Founder.

See a full list of speakers HERE and check back often for updates.

Scott Henderson — Sandbox Communities

Scott Henderson is a world class connector of people. Through his current company, Sandbox Communities, he creates social environments in commercial and university research parks and innovation mixed-use districts that lead to breakthroughs. The company’s flagship operations are located in Tech Square, the heart of Atlanta’s tech scene.

Sandbox ATL is a collaboration platform for Tech Square, which creates connections that fuel commerce. The team delivers value to its partners in three ways:

  • Matching: connecting talent, companies, and universities
  • Interaction: facilitating engagements and exchange through a wide range of programs
  • Innovation: providing the physical and digital space for various parties to come together to generate new ideas and collaborations.

You can learn more at and

Previously, Henderson helped launch Hypepotamus — Atlanta’s startup-led community event venue and publication, Startup America Partnership — a national movement funded by the Steve and Jeanne Case Foundation and Ewing Kauffman Foundation to inspire entrepreneurism, Speak Justice Now — a global advocacy campaign for the Committee to Protect Journalists, and the United Nation’s 7 Billion Actions — a global initiative raising awareness about the levers of population growth.

Amongst all that, Henderson provided strategic counsel and operational management for clients including P&G, UNICEF, TLC/Discovery Channel, Aetna, SXSW Interactive Festival & SXSW V2V, and the City of Louisville. These projects and campaigns each sought to identify, attract, and engage passionate audiences on a variety of social issues and trends.

He is proud to be a Nebraskan with family roots dating back to the late 1800s. He was born in Lincoln, raised in Omaha, and is a graduate of University of Nebraska-Lincoln and University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Brian Gerrard — Bae :: Before Anyone Else

At the age of 25, Brian Gerrard became the Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Bae :: Before Anyone Else. He led the company in becoming one of the fastest growing social platforms in the world. The award winning business peaked as a top application in US, and top 50 Lifestyle app in 20 African/Caribbean countries. His team was acquired by if(we), one of the largest social consumer app companies in the world in 2016. Brian currently leads marketing and innovation in their San Francisco office.

Brian is an award winning entrepreneur and has appeared in publications such as TIME, TechCrunch, Inc. Mag, Fortune and Fast Co. Recently, he has spoken at F8 (Facebook’s annual conference), The United Nations, Yale University and Google about how to successfully combine start-up and corporate culture.

He received a BA with Distinction and Honors from The University of Virginia. Currently, Brian can be seen on National Geographic’s TV show, “Original Sin” airing weekdays.

Hosted by Econic and the Inside/Outside Innovation podcast team, the Inside/Outside Innovation Summit is a 3-day national conference that will bring together high-growth startups and corporate innovators to collide and engage with new startups, new technologies, new business models and new talent. It will also feature hands-on learning sessions and a $100k investment pitch competition.

For more information or to register go to



The Econic Team

Guiding organizations to solve their most pressing challenges and achieve their strategic goals within the spheres of innovation, culture, and leadership.