Davos Sapiens. Embed from GettyImages

Davos blockchain 2018

What’s going on at the World Economic Forum annual mtg

Percy Venegas
2 min readJan 25, 2018


This year’s WEF’s agenda is heavy on trust and light on trust-less systems.

Nonetheless, there’s crypto conversation (and some work) going on inside the Davos hotel.

Projects being discussed include Chain and OpenGift

Some members of World Economic Forum communities and participants to the event are also venturing into trading (Kraken), mining (Nicehash) and following the markets (Cryptowatch and TradingView).

Despite general interest about bitcoin and blockchain ETFs, the preferred platform of the professionals attending is Ethereum.

But for all the crypto conversation and Swiss overtures towards decentralized ledgers, payments at the hotel are still running in…

