Ultimate Drive: A complete guide of Electric Vehicles

3 min readNov 10, 2023


Electric Vehicles in India

In the ever-changing view of transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) have come up as a notable and contemporary solution to deal with the environmental issues imposed by traditional combustion engine vehicles. with advancements in technology and growing plans for the need for eco-friendly alternatives, electric vehicles have been the best choice in recent years. in this article, we will discuss deeply what are electric vehicles and also types in detailed

What are Electric Vehicles?

Electric vehicles, as the name says, are the vehicles run by electricity stored in the batteries. unlike normal vehicles which mostly depend on combustion engines fueled by gas or diesel, electric vehicles use electric motors for momentum. The important use of electric vehicles is their ability to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions due to this the vehicles are less dependent on fuels and also contribute to a cleaner and safer environment.

Types of Electric Vehicles:

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs):

Battery Electric vehicles or BEVs, are major depends on electric power which is stored in the batteries. These vehicles don’t have internal combustion engines, mainly relying on electric motors for driving. These vehicles are charged by plugging into an electric power circuit, commonly at home, or at a charging station. Due to the nil emission of harmful gases. These vehicles make a significant step towards a greener eco-friendly future

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs):

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles combine the internal combustion engine with electric propulsion. These vehicles come with combustion engines and also a battery that can be charged through an external power source. PHEVs offer flexibility to the consumers in that they can switch between electric mode and traditional fuel mode, making them suitable for long journey where there are less charging infrastructure is available

Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs):

Hybrid electric vehicles, or HEVs, integrate with an internal combustion engine and an electric motor as well. More PHEVs and HEV vehicles do not require external charging, instead, they will generate electricity through regenerative braking and internal combustion engines. These vehicles are designed to improve fuel efficiency and reduce harmful emissions, making them as best option not fully committed to electric vehicles.

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs):

Fuel cell electric vehicles are run by hydrogen fuel cells that generate electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen. The only by-product of these processes that comes is water vapor, making FCEVs the utmost clean choice. Although it is still in the early stages of development, FCEVs hold a significant choice for long-distance travel due to their fast refueling times and extended driving charges

Advantages of Electric Vehicles:

Environmental Impact:

The biggest advantage of the usage of electric vehicles is their environmentally friendly nature. Due to the zero harmful gas emissions, EVs are contributing to reducing air pollution and to a better climate

Lower Operating Costs:

Electric vehicles generally has a lesser moving parts compared with traditional vehicles, resulting in fewer maintenance charges. Simultaneously the cost of electricity is less when compared with fuels which leads to more savings for EV Customers

Energy Independence:

As the world shifts to renewable energy sources, the adoption of electric vehicles contributes majorly not to relying on nonrenewable sources like fuel, petrol, etc this gives a chance for more energy independence




Passionate Writer, Exploring the realms of words and ideas to create thought-provoking content on electric scooters and bikes and EV industry