[SCRIPTS] Egg Hunt 2020: Hunting down the Disaster of E.G.G

21 min readApr 21, 2020


These video scripts were used in 2 seperate videos detailing the 2020 Roblox Egg Hunt.


Video of Part 1

Hello, fellow secret spy. I am Agent Echo, and I will take you through the induction program here called the “Egg Hunt 2020”. Is it any good though? Or our various superiors just mucking about? Of course they’re mucking about.

So, Egg Hunt 2020. It’s a disaster all right. The 2019 Egg Hunt was a mere foreshadowing of this meme. Although that egg hunt had it’s flaws, it still carried some charm with it’s hub worlds (albeit looking rushed). This year however, the hub world has been dropped in favor of a hub phone which instantly leads to a degradation in quality and a theme which wasn’t carried on to the games. Speaking of games, off to our first game to review then.

[DAY -1]

Wait, day negative one? How did we get here?

The answer is simple, soft launches. Although it is indeed Tuesday when “Day -1” happened, this was on the other side of the date line where it was still Monday.


You go around a little portion of the map and collect the various Despacitos. You get Despacitegg. I think it should’ve been named D-eggs-pacito but oh well, this event really doesn’t highlight the imagination of the Roblox events team. 6/10. You wonder why I gave this game such a high rating but you will see the horrors later. In this Egg Hunt, 5/10 is literally shoving one of your game’s mechanic down our throats.


Alright, this is more of an actual “egg hunt” but it’s extremely infuriating regardless. With your primarily clunky server-side controls, you muster up your intellect to find an egg and cook it for the Noob. However, the eggs are nowhere to be found. There was a promise of there being “at least one egg” but the spawn logic should be changed to “at least one egg per place”. At least there was an attempt. Your attempts reward you with a fishbowl. 4/10.


You ski down some ramps, some of which are hard to find. Again, the controls are frustratingly client side and that’s why I wasn’t able to move when I did the recording. Without the camera however, the game worked fine. You get an egg with a snowflake inside. Can we have SHRED in the next Egg Hunt please? 4/10.


You bully a minimum wage employee about to made redundant because she opened a trapdoor. You steal a recipe book and get rudely told off by the Italian chef, which forces you to play Candy Crush but it has food clipart instead. Then you serv… wait a second! I can’t serve the food! Is it because of the cuisines I chosen? Even with wiping the save game, I was unable to choose different cuisines. Well done, well done. Excellent QA testing. Keep in mind that I also did this on the actual day the Egg Hunt actually launched and ran into the same issues. You get whatever this egg is because I didn’t bother to check while writing the script. 2/10.


When we enter the game, we have a pop up for the “500% Chance Egg Drop” gamepass. I wonder if it makes any difference. Let’s hop onto the game, shall we? Do you see any eggs? No? Yeah, because welcome to the world of Random Number Generation or RNG for short. The chance of a egg dropping is so frustratingly low that it drives the gamepass sale up. Here, have my finger. Just because you made it easy for the mobile players doesn’t invalidate the criticisms from the PC users. What was the reward? A tank, of course. 0/10.


Oh boy, this is bad. Upon entering the game, we are greeted by a tutorial that we cannot skip. You do realise that I have played simulator games before, so I know how these games are supposed to work. We are then confronted by a pop up asking us if we have subscribed to a YouTube channel or not. I said no and then I got bombarded by ads for the rest of the game. I click the button for the Egg Hunt and… that’s the button for pets. That wasn’t what I wanted. Clicking the actual button reveals that we need to go a specific truck which will give us further instructions. Those instructions? Hack the stations around the map to get some shards. Now, RNG plays an important role again, even though you need some skill to hack the stations. After a total of 6 stations being hacked correctly, I get a grand total of… 0 shards. RNG at it’s finest. You know what? I’ll call it a day since the “iEgg 12 Max Pro” is as bad of a name as it sounds. 0/10.

Now that Day -1 is over, it’s time for Day 0 — the supposed start of the Egg Hunt.

[DAY 0]

The release of the Egg Hunt web page confirms our worst fears, there are launcher eggs, there are 49 games we need to visit and there is no hub world. Well, now we know about the 49 games to be played, so let’s do that instead.


You participate in 10 pro races, which end up just being drag races which take a shorter amount of time to complete. Actually, doing progressing through the game beforehand helps here, since if you do you will get 3 points instead of the usual 1 received. I’m not sure if that’s a bug or not. This is also one of the ones where you get the egg on mobile for doing nothing. The egg given is the Cheggered Flag with a questionable attempt at the Ultimate Driving logo. 5/10.


You collect the various eggs around the map. This was a game that I used to enjoy, and it’s nice that it got included in an egg hunt. However, I have to give the Egg Hunt part of this game a 5/10. The reward is the Venture Egg, by the way.


Build a boat which has an item inside which you hold in your hands until the round is over. You get the Poached Egg of the Sea. 4/10.


You defeat a bunny boss. I admit, I actually enjoyed this boss fight as it’s both difficult and totally do-able with the weapon you get after the tutorial. I like how generous it was in giving you 10 lives and unlimited health potions. 7/10. You deserve it! Much like how people deserve this zombie egg thing.


In this themed murder mystery game, you try and not die as a result of the… poorly designed werewolf. You also try and get an egg, which if you survive the round with you get another egg. However, the werewolf seems too powerful. Please nerf. 1/10.


You face the struggle of hatching an egg which grows up to be a chick. I’ll be honest here — my perception of Adopt Me changed drastically after seeing the lemonade stand. There’s actually a surprising number of things you can do there — and now I actually know why it was nominated for several Bloxy Awards. You get this egg for hatching the egg. 5/10.

And that concludes Day 0. Now, we must add 1 for Day 1. I hope most of the bugs got fixed by then.

[DAY 1]

Nine games were played on this day. Let’s see how these nine games did.


“Please play our music!”. Your wish is in my command. Astral Hearts is an RPG and it’s good that these types of games are included aside from the normal games Roblox are associated with. You get to play 2 characters in the special Egg Hunt Quest — Alice or Hatter. However, you talk to the same person to get the same starting quest, which RNG plays into… again. You need to kill some creatures, which doesn’t exactly fit into the Alice in Wonderland theme to get some Heart Shards, which either don’t drop or get stolen by someone else. Even more frustrating is the invisible walls which prevent you from taking the direct way to wherever you’re going. Unfortunately, that means a 1/10 with the extra point for the effort.


You kill people. You might get an egg. It’s another egg involving RNG again. Only issue is that nobody seems to be getting the egg. 0/10.


Really? It’s a Slenderman game, only instead of a faceless person with interesting qualities, you get a cute cuddly bear in its place. You can really see the low amount of effort in the lobby, with the obby to get some “Quid” and the owners dancing randomly, which totally doesn’t lead to increased memory consumption. We enter the map and… [laughter] This probably has got to been the worst horror map I’ve seen. It’s just several PointLights with a high brightness and a low range dotted around the map with interestingly thin walls. Your goal is to find some keys. I found one but since the “Bear” was nearby I preferred to be killed by him because goodness me this game is terrible. 0/10. I will have to retract my congratulations to the Roblox staff for choosing interesting games because this is horrible. Why does it even have a high like to dislike ratio? Is this Stepford all over again?


You find a Bear which tells you to get some honey and chicks at the same time. That was a weird sentence but let us move on. You do that and then you realise that you have 2 more bears to find, which unlike everyone else I was unable to find. The rating to give is apparent very quickly. This is the egg and this is the rating (5/10).


There’s apparently a castle downstream with an egg that we need to collect. Sadly, I didn’t get to that phase because this is a game where prior experience is actually needed. A lot. The Egg of Hidden Treasures awaits and so is my Note: This game originally recieved a 5/10 however it now does not recieves a rating.


You get these things and you need to get 15 of them. You can also get them while dead, which is an ok feature I guess? I wonder what the rating is (5/10) and what the egg is.


Talk to the Mother Dragon who has lost her eggs. Find pieces of paper which you might need a guide for since they’re quite small and sparse to find a place where you solve some puzzles to access the boss, which is pretty easy to defeat. The Mother Dragon congratulates you, calling you “a good mother yourself”. I’m not sure what to feel after hearing that. It’s actually interesting and I kind of enjoyed it since it’s the kind of activity you would get in the better Egg Hunts. 7/10. You also get this cute dragon egg as well!


The praise for my last game does not carry over to this game at all. I decided to skip the tutorial after joining, only to realise that I have no weapons to fight in the dungeon. So, off to the tutorial which surprisingly wasn’t helpful. I proceeded to press every key on m keyboard which resulted in zero feedback. This game doesn’t deserve a zero. It deserves a -1/10 because it couldn’t even get its core mechanics right.


Yup, the game is simply called: “Eg”. You are to travel to a temple where you do three obbies and a puzzle to get the keys required to open up a portal. I have no idea why I used a guide when I could’ve easily done it without. Entering the portal gives you a flight of stairs which leads you to… the egg. I enjoyed my experience, and that’s why it gets a 7/10.


Yup, that’s another simulator. You literally do a very long list of tasks which are given to you, some of them I’d imagine take a long time to do. How unimaginative. 0/10.

That wraps up the 3rd day with the Egg Hunt. Time for the fourth.

[DAY 2]

Finally, it’s the last day we’ll cover today. Some more games will shine and some more games will fall. Let’s start.


You either murder the Easter Bunny or the Easter Bunny murders you. 5/10. Again, RNG is dependant here for game mode selection unless you decide to pay up.


Be a Ghostbus… can we say that or do I have to pay royalty fees now? You also have to purchase a pet loot box which is slightly controversial but since the average kid doesn’t know any better and probably will purchase lootboxes anyways I’ll let it slide. After that, fight a boss which has an alright chance of killing you. 6/10.


Ride 3 rollercoasters to open portal where you just have to avoid the lights and do a lot of obbies. A lot of obbies. You do realize there are other kinds of puzzles, right. At least it’s a step up from last where you shoved gamepasses into our fa… No. You’re faking admin messages telling people to subscribe to your YouTube channel? In game? I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed. 2/10.


Complete quest. By the way, you might want to bring out your autoclicker because you’ve got a lot of spam clicking to do. Also bring your lucky charms, because RNG is here again! 4/10. Remove the RNG and I’d make it a 5.


Do story. Not going to lie, it was quite enjoyable. The fighting that you needed to do wasn’t too difficult either. It’s also good that you also get the egg before the boss fight rather than after. 7/10.


Another story game? Does Roblox really want us to get PTSD? Initially, you must do a minor deviation of picking up some ice to give to this person who will trap the egg. If you don’t do this you can’t get the egg. Oh well. If you do do that you just play out the normal storyline until Day 3 where you get launched into a fight with the egg you want to keep, which funnily enough has the same mechanics as the final boss in the normal storyline. The experience was still enjoyable though, and that’s why this game gets a 6/10.


You need to find 5 eggs to power up this thing. The only issue is where are the eggs? Allow me to demonstrate.


See? No eggs. 1/10.


Do obby. Considering that I wasn’t able to start the “actual” quest and settled for the “mobile” quest instead, I can’t give this one a rating.


[piece of paper is given]

I, EcoScratcher of the channel EcoScratcher fully endorse the game Tower Defense Simulator in the 2020 Egg Hunt which was made by the developer BelowNatural.. I was not forced to do this by BelowNatural or anyone affiliated with the Tower Defence Simulator Game, the Egg Hunt or anybody in general. I am only here to express my complete and honest opinion. I believe that this egg is easy to get. I also believe that the egg looks good. The mechanics which lead to the egg are well thought out, resulting in a good experience for all. There are also no paywalls which you may encounter to find this egg. Overall I give this game a 10/10 for their excecution on the Egg Hunt, for it is perfect and even I, a developer am unable to match or excel the standards brought on in the egg hunt.



Tower Defense Simulator, while not looking much like a game that milks money apart from the “simulator” moniker slapped onto it, is, in fact, a game that is designed to exploit the Premium payouts system to it’s fullest extent. How do I know this? By playing the game, you idiot. We can see that the initial cash amount you are provided is $750, just enough to waste it on the Commander which does nothing, however not large enough for machine gun guy who costs $2000, an amount I wasn’t able to get in any of my playthroughs. Generally, your teammates leave after one or two minutes which seems oddly suspicious given that other games in the Egg Hunt with similar mechanics relating to servers, a much higher proportion of people remain in the game. In Hotel Stories, everyone got the egg and 3 out of the 4 of us fought the boss. In “Break In”, 13 players became 6. How does a pack of 4 suddenly become a pack of 1? Either way, it is impossible to solo this game to get the egg, for you have the bunny which throws carrots at your units, disabling them and you also have the big bunny at the end, which has way too much health and is pretty much downright impossible to kill… unless you have the machine gun guy that is. Only issue is that I’m too broke to buy him. To conclude, the egg looks disappointing and so is my rating. You won’t get the satisfaction from zero because I’m giving it a 1/10. It’s just sad to see mindless players defending a developer just because they cried about attention because a YouTuber was just bored in their game. It’s insane that they had to apologize. You have a right to be bored. You have a right to express your opinion. Taking my ability to voice the thought doesn’t make me regard you any higher. Honestly, if you can’t see people being bored at your game, you shouldn’t be developing, because I have seen much worse.

So, that was the end of the video. Like for agreement, dislike for disagreement and don’t forget to discuss. Now, please excuse me, I need to clean my house. Part Two will be out next week.


Oh, hello there! The studio is now clean, and now again, will we discuss the Egg Hunt. Again.

[DAY 5]

The weekend was for editing my last Egg Hunt video but now, we must soldier on to our first game.


Welcome to Minery, made by the same person who brought you Hackr from last year’s egg hunt which didn’t perform very well. You have to talk to a guy who tells you the coordinates might be useful. Or not, because they’re already given to you. Now dig for the egg! I mean, I did get to what I thought was the right co-ordinates but the Z co-ordinates was completely wrong. Another try later and now I have the egg. I don’t exactly know why the game has such a low like dislike ratio. Maybe the other people has bugs? Lag? Naw, I have seen worse games with higher like dislike ratios. Maybe players lack something called critical thinking. Who knows? 6/10.


This game was so forgettable that I initially left it out of the review completely, hence now all the charts that I made are now inaccurate. Thanks guys. Even then, there is nothing of note as the “eggs” that was promised to spawn on people’s heads never came. 0/10.


Go onto mobile. But where’s the fun in that? Let’s do the PC version. Oh, it’s just Walking Simulator. Bring buckets to the egg which you can interact with. The egg is destroyed and you get this egg. 5/10.


Welcome to bootleg MeepCity, a bootleg of Club Penguin. Pick flowers up to give bunny. 3/10.


You fly to island and corner the egg in the house. You get whatever this abomination is. 6/10, had to use critical thinking.


We are first confronted by Jerry, the annoying friendly robot who will apparently guide us through the game. First of all, you must learn WASD again. ….What? You want me to learn WASD? Did you know you can hold right click to move your camera? Wow, incredible! To mine, hold down the left mouse button when hovering over an ore. Great Scott, you’re not stupid! Now you must kill some robots in your la… Level Up! Ah yes, the classic level up screen, where it stays on your screen for nearly a minute, sometimes even over that. Yup, that’s how long it takes until you could see the robots that want to kill you earlier. Your objective is to collect the 5 eggs around the map, which apparently is for… Science. This is not science. This is the work of our limbs. Once we reach 5 eggs we get the eg… no. Better collect 10 eggs this time for a total of 15 eggs you need to collect just to get the egg. I mean; it works, but that’s not exactly motivating praise is it. 2/10.


You play Fortnite but for girls. Or people with a heavily accentuated feminine side. Unlike game such as Adopt Me, the colour scheme obviously had to include pastel pink and blue colours which burn my eyes. Your quest is to pick up 3 eggs from the fallen people. Judging by the number of players in each team, that means that you need to kill 75% of the team. Simply outstanding. You also have to go onto the ground and pick the eggs up, which makes you vulnerable. This would be fine and dandy if the bows weren’t utter crud, with the scripts obviously being derived from the gears with the classic “Reload” icon. 0/10.


Ladies and gentleman, welcome back to Walking Simulator. It’s time to get 100 eggs. Yup, you heard the chief. 100 eggs! Then do the simple obby and fight the easiest and ugliest boss imaginable. 1/10.


Help this interesting figure retrieve an egg. Interesting building? Puzzles? An enjoyable experience? You betcha. My only complaint is the mild underwhelming ending of retrieving the egg, I thought I had to do something else. There’s even more lore to this as well. I’ll be back soon. 8/10.

Now, it’s time for another day for the games to rise and shine. Or not. Let’s see.

[DAY 6]


Find some keys which are on both ends of this path. Welcome back to Walking Simulator! 5/10.


The shark has the keys behind him. Go to the shark and get the keys. The only issue is that the starter boats are generally very hard to manoeuvre about, plus the fact you’re spawned facing the immediate opposite direction of where the shark is. It’s even more infuriating that you can’t clip into the buoy. 4/10.


Travel from the front to the back, up and down. It’s Walking Simulator all over again! Wow, you have object! Oh, it’s just a cookie recipe. I guess I’ll just break the space-time continuum to tell you of the impending doom that looms. 5/10.


From the accomplished developer of Cuboid Vehicle City, which somehow receives updates this year despite it being well over the expiration date, comes the buggy mess that is known as Speed Race. I have no idea why Minery was so disliked when this is far worse. On the first server… the game was broken. No maps were being chosen. Simply marvellous and outstanding. We also get welcomed back to the fantastic powers of RNG, as you have to wait for one specific map which you need to complete for that one special egg. However, this map has issues. You can skirt past this part of the course which might have had the egg I was supposed to retrieve and the last part of this course was designed more for a regular obby rather than a speed run. I thought a game couldn’t be as terrible as Dungeon Quest in the Egg Hunt but, it’s a -1/10.


Eggs drop randomly in game when you destroy something. They also drop on the celebratory podium, which if you have perfected your technique can also be yours even if you lost. The only issue is that Super Doomspire is definitely not a game where you wish to stand still, for you may be inflicted with melee weapons, rocket launchers, Super Balls. Unrelated to the Egg Hunt. I totally don’t see a contrast issue with any of the maps on the screen. In fairness, it’s hard to make four towers in the sky with bridges connecting them a lot different though, so I’ll let this slide I guess. But choose better colours next time! 5/10.


Ladies, Gentleman, and everyone in between and outside, welcome to Football, but with a plethora of additional rules to ruin the simplicity of Football. Use your powerups to hit the random ball in the field and make sure you break it’s shield or else your leg will suffer extensive damage. However, only one person shall claim the egg. 1/10.


With the lowest like dislike ratio of any Egg Hunt game this year, questions were raised on how this game failed on so many levels. Let’s check the fixes that were made to fix the game before I joined. Hmm, fixing replication of a pig. [laugh track] How stupid. The rabbit got fixed? An ambiguous puzzle was fixed? How much QA testing was involved. Hopping in, we can see 2 game passes out of the 3 slapped in the lobby. Wow, what a great start! The problems do not end there however, as we hop into a game.

This is the 3rd story game in the Egg Hunt and it’s obviously had to be the worst of them all. Welcome to Time Period -23003, where apparently the grass can be both gaudy pink and gaudy green at the same time. Obviously we need to toss in some lollipops as well, because sugar is the product of photosynthesis. Invisible walls prevent anybody from going anywhere just for the convenience of the developers. This is unlike literally all the other story games in the Egg Hunt, where you were naturally able to go from place to place. Oh look, it’s the voice acting! They’re done by famous YouTubers such as Sketch and yo tengo man Albert! We’ll get to him later, but be aware that the voice acting is god awful here. A rabbit is then conveniently placed into the storyline, as well as a boulder which you need to put on the cage to kill the… I mean rescue the bunny. People do shout to not push the boulder, but further research reveals that it does absolutely nothing. Continuing further on, I fall into a pool of “””chocolate””” and had to be teleported out so we can watch an egg being snatched away from us. That conveniently means it’s time to perform the parkour where we meet the same chocolate water, only now deadly. It would be mildly convenient if there wasn’t thirty other hopefuls up ahead that block my vision so I can do the obby much faster. Instead, I will sit here and lose a life. Here we see the lazily done screen announcing our death. “You have 1 live left” We also now have the buy lives screen clipping in for no particular reason. It’s 35 robux for you to get a life which the developer takes away 24. We now pass a field of eggs which serve no use because it only gets involved in the storyline sometimes. Skipping ahead broken dialogue, we have the biggest joke of a puzzle among us. Your mission is to put the coloured parts into the coloured parts. Only the gifted may solve this, which turned out to be everyone. Your next task is to steal some “currency” from around the map so we may purchase some bows. Let’s look what’s behind one of the houses.


“Pandemic Coming Soon”, well, that’s foreshadows some pandemic profiteering doesn’t it?

My favourite line in the entirety of this game followed soon after, which is…

“Is that it?”

Yeah, I too want this nightmare to end now. A literal nightmare occurs in the Inn where you sleep in, with the bunny with two nametags and mismatching dialogue. Since the bunny’s gone, we should have a nice restful sleep right? Wrong. We now have to track him, as if that was a great idea in the first place. Cleetus, obviously voiced by Flamingo owns all the Gurts, the non-replicating pigs in the town. Ride him for no apparent reason up a hill with questionable boulders and then an obby, which I failed. I guess it’s time to look at how the people who made this reacted when their creation was heavily disliked.


This is not quality content, but not what I was looking for.


Yup, this was what I was looking for.

[we did voice lines]

Yeah. Guess how good they were? Hunt down the Freeman quality.

[we are comprimiso]

Yeah, precisely what you want to perpetuate to your 8 year old fanbase in a year where people are already dying by the thousand.

[mein passion!!!!]


Oh by the way, I suggest to not use ForeverHD’s admin commands, as he’s quite a dodgy individual. Y’know, ObliviousHD’s brother.

[delete the obby]

And you wonder why your game has such a low like to dislike ratio

[it’s a good game]

No it isn’t. How are you so disconnected with your fanbase? You, a person with 5 million subscribers, have the literal ability to look at the opinions that your audience is telling you about your game, communicate it with your developers so you can right your wrongs. It’s not hard!

[who cares]

I mean, if you went in the direction of Minery my script on your game wouldn’t be as long as it is right now. I don’t want this to end up being another eighty minute video.

[I’ve spent so much robux]

Wow, your friend is having the same problem that everyone else has? Are you that narcissistic or is this going to be a “haha funny” moment?


You literally have the same issues yourself!

Honestly, if you have a dedicated exploit for your game, there is nothing else to say. 0/10.

[DAY 7]

It’s been a full week since the start of the Egg Hunt. The drama has died down, the people have their eggs and they patiently wait for the Fabergegg two weeks after. Alas, I am not one of the lucky ones. Two games to go now, so let’s see how they do.


After finishing the tutorial, talk to this guy and do the tutorial dungeon, again, but slightly harder this time. Then, do the boss who only has… 2 attacks. After killing him, you get the Dreggon’s Breath and even more microtransaction items. 5/10.


Have you ever wanted to be overwhelmed by zombies in ridiculous looking maps? Well look no further. You must collect the 5 chicken legs. However, these chicken legs do not save between games and I am sad. I am also sad by the rarity of the chicken legs spawning. Again, this is a game which probably requires a good deal of past experience so you can mow down those zombies faster. 4/10. You get a chicken leg in return. Zombie Strike was better.

Wowzers, that was it? Thank goodness or else I’d get bored.

My overall verdict is that it was definitely worse than last years, but in fewer areas. The games chosen were of a much better quality this time however there should be much more care taken with choosing some of them. Honestly, if there was an actual hub with a little bit more “”story”” I would’ve labelled this one to be even better. I’m not going to give this a rating myself. Instead, I will let the spreadsheets handle it. What do they say? A 3.36/10. I think that is completely reasonable, and what the developers aspiring for the next Egg Hunt, if there is one, should try and improve on.

For now though, thumbs up for a like, thumbs down for dislike, leave a comment to discuss and well. That’s the Egg Hunt this year. Thank goodness.




I post stuff and fluff: random pieces, analysis, video scripts from YouTube and more.