Extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile.

The Ted Bundy the serial killer in the media.

King New Jersey
10 min readMay 30, 2023

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile is a 2019 American biographical crime thriller film directed by Joe Berlinger, with a screenplay from Michael Werwie. The movie depicts the life of the infamous serial killer, Ted Bundy, from the perspective of his long-term girlfriend, Elizabeth Kloepfer. The film features Zac Efron as Ted Bundy and Lily Collins as Elizabeth Kloepfer.

Brief Overview of the Movie

The movie follows Ted Bundy’s life from his time as a law student to his eventual capture and conviction for multiple murders across several states. However, it does not focus solely on Bundy’s crimes.

Instead, it explores how he was able to maintain relationships with women and charm them into believing he was innocent. The story is told through Elisabeth Kloepfer’s point of view — one of Bundy’s longtime girlfriends.

It depicts her struggle to reconcile her love for Ted with mounting evidence that he is a brutal killer. In this sense, Extremely Wicked provides a unique perspective on one of America’s most notorious serial killers.

Explanation of the Title and its Significance

The title “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” comes from the words spoken by Judge Edward Cowart at Bundy’s sentencing hearing. Cowart described Bundy as “a bright young man who is extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile.”

The title serves as an apt description for both Bundy himself and the film’s portrayal of him. It captures his depravity while also acknowledging his charisma-both traits that made him so captivating and terrifying to those around him.

Overall, Extremely Wicked stands out among other true crime dramas because it attempts to explore not just what happened but how people reacted to it. The film is both a character study of Bundy and a commentary on America’s fascination with serial killers.

1.Ted Bundy’s Early Life:

1a. Childhood and Family Background

Ted Bundy was born on November 24, 1946, in Burlington, Vermont. He was the son of Eleanor Louise Cowell and an unknown father.

He was raised by his grandparents, Samuel and Eleanor Cowell, who pretended to be his parents. His biological mother lived with the family and posed as his sister.

Bundy’s early years were marked by confusion and secrecy about his true identity. As a child, Bundy was described as shy and introverted.

He struggled academically but showed an interest in reading books about crime and violence. Despite this fascination with the dark side of human nature, he maintained a good relationship with his grandparents and had a close bond with his grandfather.

1b. Academic Achievements and Social Life

Bundy graduated from high school in Tacoma, Washington in 1965. He attended the University of Puget Sound for one year before transferring to the University of Washington to study psychology. He was an excellent student who excelled academically but struggled socially.

Despite being intelligent and articulate, Bundy had trouble making friends or fitting in with his peers. He became involved in campus politics as a way to gain social status but failed to make any meaningful connections.

1c. First Known Criminal Offense

Bundy’s first known criminal offense occurred in 1974 when he was arrested for aggravated kidnapping in Utah. He attempted to abduct Carol DaRonch from a shopping mall but was unsuccessful due to her quick thinking and bravery.

After this incident, Bundy’s criminal activities escalated quickly as he began committing murders across multiple states over the next few years. However, it is believed that he may have committed earlier crimes that were never discovered or reported.

Overall, Ted Bundy’s early life provides insight into some of the factors that may have contributed to his later criminal behavior. His troubled upbringing, social isolation, and fascination with violence likely played a role in shaping his personality and motivations.

1d. The Rampage Begins

Ted Bundy’s killing spree began in 1974 when he moved to Washington State to attend law school at the University of Washington. His first known victim was a young college student named Karen Sparks who disappeared on January 4th, 1974. From there, Bundy would go on to abduct and kill at least 30 more women over the next several years.

The majority of Bundy’s victims were young, attractive women with long hair parted down the middle — a physical characteristic that he seemed particularly drawn to. He would often approach them under the pretense of needing help with his car or some other excuse before overpowering them and taking them to a secluded location where he would rape and murder them.

1e. Escape from Jail and Recapture

Bundy was eventually apprehended by police in Utah in 1975 after being pulled over for driving erratically. Inside his car, they found ski masks, handcuffs, rope, and other items that suggested he had been involved in criminal activity.

He was charged with kidnapping but managed to escape from jail twice while awaiting trial. During his first escape in June of 1977, Bundy climbed out of a window in his cell using a handmade tool made from stolen metal parts.

He managed to evade police for several days before being recaptured. In December of that same year, he escaped again by sawing a hole through the ceiling of his cell and crawling through it; this time successfully making it out onto the street.

1f. Trials in Florida and Utah

Bundy was finally brought to justice after being caught again by police several days after his second escape. He was eventually tried for multiple counts of murder in both Florida and Utah where he represented himself during his trials since lawyers refused to take on such an infamous client. Despite facing overwhelming evidence against him including bite marks found on one of his victims that matched his teeth, Bundy maintained his innocence throughout his trials.

He was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to death in both states. His execution in Florida’s electric chair on January 24th, 1989 marked the end of one of America’s most notorious and gruesome killing sprees.

2. The Media Circus:

2a. Bundy’s Charm and Manipulation of the Media.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Ted Bundy’s case was his ability to manipulate the media. Bundy possessed a certain charm and charisma that allowed him to gain sympathy from the press, even in the face of overwhelming evidence against him. He often used this talent to his advantage during interviews, where he would present himself as a polite, intelligent, and charming individual.

Bundy’s manipulation of the media was evident in his trial in Florida. During this time, he was granted permission to act as his own defense lawyer.

This gave him unprecedented access to reporters and journalists who covered every aspect of the trial. Bundy took full advantage of this opportunity by using every chance he got to speak with reporters and address the public.

2b. Public Fascination with Serial Killers.

Ted Bundy’s case was one of many that created a public fascination with serial killers. His crime spree occurred during an era when news media began broadcasting crimes more frequently and in greater detail than ever before.

As a result, people were inundated with stories about serial killers like Bundy, leading to an almost morbid curiosity surrounding their actions. The public fascination has not subsided since then.

In fact, today there is an entire true crime genre devoted solely to serial killers like Ted Bundy. Documentaries, podcasts, television shows and movies continue explore not only their crimes but also their personality traits.

2c. Impact on Victims’ Families

While much attention has been given to Bundy himself over the years since his death, it is important not to forget those impacted most directly by his actions: The victims’ families.There are no words for how these families felt having lost loved ones so suddenly and violently at hands of such evil person like Ted Bundy.In addition they had deal with constant media attention on top everything else, which only added to their pain and suffering. The media’s intense interest in the case often made it difficult for these families to grieve in peace.

They were constantly bombarded with questions and requests for interviews, which made it hard for them to find closure. The attention also brought unwanted attention to them and added further trauma.

3. The Psychology of a Serial Killer:

3a. Analysis of Bundy’s Behavior by Experts.

The case of Ted Bundy has been studied extensively by behavioral scientists and criminologists. Many theories have been put forth to explain the motivations behind his crimes. Experts believe that Bundy’s behavior was not due to a single cause, but rather the result of a combination of factors.

According to Dr. Al Carlisle, who evaluated Bundy during his trial, “He was not psychotic, but he had a severe personality disorder.” Bundy’s modus operandi was notable for its meticulous planning and execution.

He would often lure his victims with fake injuries or other ploys, gaining their trust before attacking them. Despite his apparent intelligence and charm, he showed little remorse for his actions and often lied to authorities.

3b. Discussion on Nature vs Nurture Debate.

The debate over whether serial killers are born or made has been ongoing for decades. Some experts believe that biology plays a significant role in determining whether an individual is prone to violence, while others argue that environmental factors such as childhood trauma and abuse are more influential.

Bundy’s case presents an interesting example of this debate. While there is no evidence that he suffered any physical or sexual abuse as a child, some experts speculate that his early exposure to violent pornography may have contributed to his behavior later in life.

3c. The Role of Mental Illness in Violent Crimes.

Mental illness is often cited as a factor in violent crimes committed by serial killers. However, it is important to note that not all individuals with mental illness commit violent crimes, and most violent crimes are not committed by those with mental illness.

In the case of Ted Bundy, there is no clear evidence that he suffered from any diagnosable mental disorder. Some experts have suggested that he may have had borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, but these conditions have not been definitively linked to violent behavior.

Overall, the psychology of serial killers is a complex and multifaceted issue. While studies have shed some light on the factors that may contribute to this behavior, there is still much we do not know.

The Aftermath.

Despite the fact that Ted Bundy has been dead for over 30 years, his legacy and impact on society are still felt today. One area that impacted tremendously was law enforcement procedures.

Many police departments use Bundy’s case as an example of how to handle serial killer investigations. For example, it is now common practice to use dental records and bite marks in homicide cases to identify suspects.

Additionally, law enforcement officials have learned the importance of collecting evidence at crime scenes and using technology like DNA testing to solve cold cases. Bundy’s execution in 1989 by the electric chair was a watershed moment in American legal history.

It marked the first time that a high-profile criminal had been executed following pressure from victims’ families who had grown tired of waiting for justice. Despite his death, Bundy’s impact on society has continued through books, movies, documentaries and television shows.

Bundy’s Execution and Legacy.

The execution of Ted Bundy remains controversial even today as some people believe he should have received life imprisonment rather than being executed because it would provide more closure for victims’ families. However, others argue that he deserved death for his heinous crimes against innocent individuals.

Ted Bundy’s legacy continues to be felt through his infamous notoriety as one of America’s most notorious serial killers. He also became an inspiration or cautionary tale depending on how one views it among many other notorious criminals who followed in his footsteps including Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy.

Lessons Learned from His Case.

The case of Ted Bundy provides important lessons about the nature of violent crime and its perpetrators. The most significant lesson learned is perhaps about the danger posed by charismatic individuals with dark intentions who can manipulate others into doing their bidding or become pawns in their schemes like Ted Bundy did with Carol Boone who later was convicted for helping him evade police while she was pregnant. The case also highlights the importance of law enforcement agencies working together to solve crimes.

It took a coordinated effort among several jurisdictions to bring Ted Bundy’s killing spree to an end, and this experience has helped law enforcement agencies become more collaborative in their investigations. The Bundy case shows the need for mental health services early on.

The fact that Bundy was able to charm his way out of most situations suggests that there were perhaps missed opportunities for him to have received treatment or counseling when he was still young and before he became a serial killer. This is an important lesson to remember when it comes to preventing future violent crimes.

Summary of Key Points.

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile is a movie that offers an in-depth look at the life of one of America’s most notorious killers, Ted Bundy. The film does an excellent job of capturing Bundy’s charisma and his ability to manipulate those around him. It also provides insight into the psyche of a serial killer, highlighting the importance of mental health in violent crimes.

The movie takes us through Bundy’s early life, his first known criminal offense and ultimately to his capture and execution. We are also shown how he captivated the media and public, creating a new level of interest in serial killers.

Personal Reflection on the Movie.

The portrayal of Bundy in Extremely Wicked is chilling and accurate. Zac Efron’s performance was especially impressive in capturing both sides of Bundy’s personality- charm & manipulation versus pure evil.

The movie highlights how easy it can be for someone to deceive others when they are allowed to control their narrative. It also made me reflect on society’s fascination with true crime stories.

Another crucial aspect that stood out for me was how investigations have developed over time since Bundy’s case. Technology has advanced significantly from what it was during that era, making it easier for detectives to catch criminals who may have gotten away before.

Final Thoughts on the Issue.

Extremely Wicked raises many questions about mental health treatment and criminal justice reform. While there is no definitive answer or solution yet, we must continue working towards improving these systems to prevent tragedies like those caused by Ted Bundy from being repeated.

The film does not glorify or celebrate violence but instead serves as a warning against overlooking signs or dismissing symptoms that could lead someone down such a destructive path. Ultimately, it highlights the importance of prevention rather than just punishment when dealing with violent criminals who exhibit signs of mental illness.

Overall, Extremely Wicked is a captivating movie that provides a well-rounded look at Bundy’s life and the impact he had on those around him. It forces us to consider not only the personal and social impact of violent crime but also what we can do as individuals and as a society to prevent it from happening in the future.

