ECTA Addressing Global Sustainable Goals

ECTA Platform
3 min readSep 21, 2018


What are some of the biggest software development challenges facing companies and startups? A notable lack of tech candidates. A major component of this is the tedious hiring process. Along with a small talent pool, businesses need to sink time and money into recruiting, interviewing, and training. New employees also don’t always work out, putting these companies right back at square one.

ECTA is the first blockchain-based trust protocol for facilitating the global employability of AI, blockchain, and IoT developers. Powered by proven AI tools, ECTA is aimed at solving the dilemmas that companies face when recruiting tech talent. The platform also enables developers to find fulfilling projects that utilize their skillset and that they will be compensated for.

With sustainable development goals, ECTA is revolutionizing the way that developers and companies find each other. Here is how.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

An issue facing many developers is a lack of access to fulfilling AI, IoT, and blockchain projects that utilize their skillset and bring value. ECTA uses AI matchmaking to pair developers with idea holders using a safe way to conduct business. Payment solutions are powered by smart contracts, and ECTA handles both the recruitment and payment processes.

Partnerships for the Goals

ECTA is the result of ten years of dedicated work from an unbelievably talented team of researchers and academics. Collaborations with Fortune 500 companies across the globe like Microsoft, SIEMENS, and UNESCO have helped achieve a standard for trustworthiness, reliability, and multi-lingual solutions for the masses. This quality and a versatile group has made ECTA into a platform that is safe and adaptive across multiple industries and countries.

Reduced Inequalities

There is currently an employment gap when it comes to IT work. ECTA’s mission is to discover talents from low-middle income countries and provide them with work opportunities that will further their careers and make use of their skill sets.

With the ability to earn ECTA SKILLS tokens after completing a project, all developers will have the same opportunities to prove themselves, and the marketability to go after new projects that they are qualified for.

Quality Education

Did you know that as many as 79% of graduates need assistance in finding employment? Despite spending years in an educational setting, many college students feel wholly unprepared for the tasks that they’ll face in the workplace.

ECTA provides a way for students to gain experience and add an array of different projects to their portfolio — all before they even graduate. The platform was formed specifically to help IT graduate gain the experience and credibility they need to land fulfilling positions after achieving their diploma.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

In response to the government of Slovenia’s goal to position the country as the leading destination of blockchain technology in the European Union, ECTA was developed as an independent and innovative project.

In addition to providing a platform that acts a matchmaking service between developers and companies, it will also have a major hand in fostering industry skills. This means organizing digital thematic workshops, putting together hackathons, hosting summer and winter camps, and coordinating other means of networking that will bring brilliant developers together.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

With a goal to create a global blockchain-based employability protocol, ECTA aims to establish direct, safe and productive relationships between developers and organizations. Developers, especially those in low-middle income countries, will have access to opportunities they once never would have. Companies will also for the first time be able to tap into talent that will help them further their goals and create innovative projects that can change the world.

With genuine projects and an environment of trust, this ensures harmonious global partnerships that result in stronger institutions. With more ideas realized, this will encourage synergy between different countries and lead to an innovative global future.

To learn more about how ECTA is addressing global sustainable goals, or to keep up with company news, join the community online or by following ECTA on channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram.



ECTA Platform

ECTA is the first blockchain-based trust protocol for global employability empowered with the proven AI tools. OWN your SKILLS! Visit us at: