Skill Set Mining With ECTA Trust Protocol

ECTA Platform
2 min readOct 1, 2018


Hiring valuable tech talent can be difficult. Large companies are often faced with aggressive hiring goals that are difficult to meet. Sourcing candidates from a limited talent pool takes a great deal of time and money. Major companies are also continuously competing against each other to acquire the best available talent before they’re snatched up.

This shortage of tech talent is pervasive throughout many industries. However, another issue comes into play once you think you’ve found the perfect match for your company — proving their skill set.

The Issue With Recruiting Tech Talent

Companies are faced with a unique recruitment issue in the modern day. With tech talent hard to come by, many turn to recruiters and third parties in order to find qualified developers to join their team. However, this process can be extremely costly for companies, especially startups or those with a small HR department.

In order to find this talent, these companies often resort to using social media channels to find suitable talent. Unfortunately, this often leads idea holders through a rabbit hole. The anonymity of the internet makes it difficult to find qualified developers with a proven skillset that can actually deliver on the products they promise.


ECTA is looking to break down those barriers and make it easier for companies to find proven talent that can become the next innovators of their team.

They do this through the use of ECTA SKILLS tokens (ERC-721). These non-transferable tokens represent the first currency for skills for developers. They provide an easy way for idea holders to affirm the skills that a developer touts. On the same note, they also provide a developer with credibility and proof of their skillset as they apply for new projects.

These non-fungible tokens are granted to developers following the successful completion of a project. They accompany ECTA PAY tokens, which are also given to developers following the completion of a project. Eliminating the difficulty of paying international employees, developers can cash these tokens out on exchange for currency.

Together, these tokens help build trust between developers and idea holders. Companies know that they are receiving vetted, a top-notch talent that will be able to meet their needs. Likewise, developers know they will be paid for their efforts after working on a project. This collaboration allows for mutual growth between companies and tech talent, ensuring that the available pool of developers continues to grow.

To learn more about how ECTA makes the tech recruitment and project acquisition process simpler, or to keep up with company news, join the community online or by following ECTA on channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Medium.



ECTA Platform

ECTA is the first blockchain-based trust protocol for global employability empowered with the proven AI tools. OWN your SKILLS! Visit us at: