How to add issues to github projects (2023)

2 min readMay 29, 2023

Github recently added the ability to automatically add an issue to a project through workflows which is a huge win for product and project managers. Instead of having to create an expiring PAT, a repo secret, and write code to leverage github actions, you can now easily add an issue to a project with just a few steps!

Setup workflows to auto-add issues to projects

  1. The first step is to go to your project in github
Picture of github project board in kanban view

2. Then go to Workflows clicking the three dots on the top right

Picture of menu in the github project with workflows highlighted as an option to select

3. Scroll down to Auto-add to project on the left and fill in the criteria of when you want this automation to trigger

Picture of the dashboard to edit the criteria to trigger automatically adding issues to the project

4. Click “save and turn on workflow”

Picture of the settings page after the Auto-add to project section has been saved.

Now create an issue to test it and see the magic happen!

A process which would’ve taken 20 minutes has now been trimmed down to 2. The only caveat to this feature is that there isn’t the ability to pull in issues from multiple repos into the same project. In any case, thank you GitHub!

PS here’s the github project in the screenshots if you’re interested.




Call me "E" for short. I write to learn. Follow me on Twitter: @ecurrencyhodler