free brand name evaluation tool

Cypher Eight
6 min readAug 8, 2022


free brand name evaluation tool

Updated: May 17

Words have power and the right word to name your business adds more power to it. It’s meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape your brand image. The perfect name definitely resonates and fits the brand image into the minds of the intended users.

Be it human or an organisation, the first point in differentiating all is through names. Organisations thrive on identifying unique products and services and are recalled with their distinct brand names. Now how will you name a brand?

It might revolve around the current trend or might be the targeted niche else could be informative too.

So, the real question is can we still stick to the old traditional way to name a brand or business?

With advanced technology, created an evaluation for machines to perform human-like tasks, and enhances the speed, accuracy, and effectiveness of the outcome by systematically collecting data.

How online brand name testing (evaluation) tools include in determining and locating a good brand name that is vital to a company’s success.

Your brand name is less elastic. Although your products, advertisements, and product packaging style may change over time, your brand name will certainly remain the same over the years and will be fixed in the focus groups mind.

People associate with brands based on their emotions. A recent case study suggests that emotions activate connections and impact the evaluation process. So, it is important to give your new compelling brand name to spark the emotional response in the customer’s mind

Making use of smart tools like brand naming tools helps in overcoming numerous challenges. Listing a few of them:

  • Expensive brand name experts
  • Overpriced domain reseller
  • High priced language assessors

Manually we do brand name testing surveys which include many tasks like creating survey templates, survey design ask open ended questions to our target market. Post that we try to analyze the survey response and further check if it is easy to pronounce or difficult to pronounce and the final step is to see if the name is aligned to brand strategy.

After running through the market research and qualitative research, you eventually find that the it is not available in terms of domain in real time.

Hence with the help of tool you can evaluate your brand and can measure the following elements and make the most out of your data without using the concept testing process for the brands and products you want to rebrand or launch a new.

  • Decide if the business name resonates with the audience.
  • Check the simplicity of the name.
  • Discover if the name is ownable and legally protected.
  • Identify if the brand name is acceptable globally.
  • Find negative connotations associated with the brand name.
  • Calculate your overall vocabulary score

An online brand name testing tool is created to capture the attributes and drawbacks of the chosen brand name. Following the conventional method, would rely on experts’ suggestions and feedback most of the time which cannot build the confidence to support your business.

These clever tools are vital as they follow a structured procedure and establish the right context to derive the desired outcome. Utilizing the tools before making the choice can ease the rigorous process of naming the business and present the best option.

Backed by smart algorithms, the tool helps to bridge the gap between brand and legal, empowering marketing professionals to create new brand suggestions with the trademark clearance process in mind.

Before you use the brand testing tool. Do use your creative brains to develop a few names relevant to your business and test them in the system.

To help you out below are a few formats of brand names you can use to develop it.

There are many different types of brand names that companies can choose from. Each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Choosing the right type of brand name is essential to a company’s success. Let’s discuss the different types of brand names and their pros and cons. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the right type of brand name for your company.

Descriptive Names

Descriptive brand names are an excellent way to maximize profits.

A descriptive name provides clarity and meaning for your product, which in turn allows potential customers or fans alike to understand what they will be purchasing from you without any confusion as such — providing them with peace of mind when buying something online!

Evocative Names

“Branding” is one of those marketing buzzwords that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it actually mean? In short, branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a product or company. It’s about developing a recognizable name and image that people will associate with your brand. And when it comes to branding, nothing is more important than the name.

A good name can be incredibly evocative, instantly conjuring up positive associations in people’s minds. That’s why it’s so important to choose a name that really captures the essence of your brand and resonates with your target audience. So if you’re looking to create a powerful brand identity, start by choosing an evocative brand name

Combined Names

The power of one! The effectiveness comes from the ability to blend together different words under a single name. Combining these words and giving it meaning will provide recognition and tell consumers what exactly the brand focuses on.

Invented Names

The inventiveness and creativity behind brand names are often unmatched. Some of the most famous brands out there have come from really clever minds

Naming your brand with Cypher8

Brand names are a critical part of any business, big or small. A brand name is one of the most important elements of a company’s marketing strategy. It is the first thing that potential customers see and it can make or break a business.

A great name can make all the difference. It’s important, then, to put a lot of thought into choosing the perfect name.

That’s where Cypher8 comes in. Cypher8 has a brand name evaluation tool that uses algorithms to help businesses make the best possible decisions about their brand name. It evaluates and testifies the best brand name for your business so that you can choose a brand name easily.

Cypher8 is easy to use. Simply enter the name you’re considering into the tool, and it generates a complete detailed report on how well it will be perceived in the marketplace. The brand name evaluation tool considers several factors when scoring a brand name. These factors include:

  1. The meaning of the name is if it has a direct meaning.
  2. The pronunciation of the name
  3. Profanity check
  4. The availability of the name
  5. The domain name availability

These are some of the factors, there are more than 5 Factors which are taken into account for testing a brand name.

Book A demo with us and start using it.

Brand name evaluation tools are important to companies because they help to ensure that the brand names they select are not only unique but also have the potential to be successful. A good brand name is vital to a company’s success, as it is one of the most important factors in building a strong and recognizable brand.

Strong brand names tend to fall under one (or more) of these categories and lead to purchase intent.

  • Descriptive: Brand names that tell potential buyers exactly what you do or make. Examples: Dude Wipes, The Weather Channel,, and PayPal.
  • Evocative: These names use metaphor and suggestion to express a company’s creativity, hint at its values, and tell a brand story. Examples: Nike, Amazon, Virgin, Uber, and Patagonia.
  • Blends: Names that combine two words to make a new word are popular today, and they can be considered descriptive and evocative. Examples: Photoshop, WhatsApp, Headspace, irtable, and YouTube.
  • Invented: Made-up names are a good way to differentiate your company and show your unique brand identity. But you’ll have to do more work to tell the story of your company and educate customers on your offering. Examples: Google, Pixar, Garmin, Slack, and Zoom.
  • Acryonymic: Good brand names are short and memorable, so it may make sense to use an acronym if you want a long name. Keep in mind that meaning is often removed with an acronym, so it’s not the best option for storytelling. Examples: VRBO, BMW, IKEA, UPS, and IBM.

