Setting up Navmesh in Unity

Objective: Setting up a nav mesh on your terrain

Ed Hepplewhite
2 min readAug 24, 2023

Getting setup with Unity’s navmesh system is super easy.

First, make sure you have an environment built and a floor to move around on.

Next, all you have to do is select the floor or parts of the environment you want to apply the navmesh too. Then, go to Window > AI > Navigation.

This will open up the navigation window. With the floors selected, check “Navigation Static” and make sure the navigation area is set to Walkable.

Hop to the “Bake” tab and hit “Bake”.

This creates the nav mesh on the floor and shows where your AI objects can move.

If you want to stretch or shrink the area you can use the “Agent Radius” to adjust it to your floor. There are some more options, but those are out of the scope of this article.

