Despite the introduction of Bitcoin Spot ETFs on Wall Street, a decline in the Bitcoin price is observed.

Ed Prinz
9 min readJan 13, 2024

Despite the introduction of Bitcoin Spot Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) on Wall Street, a decline in the Bitcoin price is observed

The recent approval of Bitcoin Spot Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) signifies a groundbreaking step in the evolution of the cryptocurrency market. This decision opens the doors for broader institutional acceptance of Bitcoin and could act as a catalyst for integrating digital currencies into the traditional financial system. This event marks not only a significant milestone in the history of Bitcoin but also sheds light on the dynamic interactions between the innovative crypto market and the established financial sector. With this development, we stand on the threshold of a new era where the role of crypto assets within the global financial economy is redefined.

On the last trading day, remarkable trading volumes were recorded for the leading Spot Bitcoin ETFs. Leading the pack was Grayscale with an impressive trading volume of 2.3 billion US dollars. BlackRock followed with a volume of 1 billion US dollars, highlighting the strong demand for their recently introduced Bitcoin product. Fidelity, another significant player in this segment, reached a trading volume of 700 million US dollars. ARK 21Shares, known for their innovative investment approaches in the crypto area, achieved a trading volume of 288 million US dollars. Bitwise, another important provider in the cryptocurrency ETFs area, recorded a trading volume of 125 million US dollars. These figures reflect the growing interest and increasing acceptance of Bitcoin-based financial products in the traditional financial market.

The approval of Bitcoin Spot ETFs and their immediate market reactions

The long-awaited approval of the Bitcoin Spot Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) represents a turning point in the history of crypto assets. This decision signals an increasing acceptance of Bitcoin and other crypto assets in the established financial world. The approval follows a period of intense discussions and debates about the role of crypto assets in the financial system, their potential risks and benefits, and the need for regulation.

Despite the historical significance of this approval, the Bitcoin price initially showed no significant fluctuations. This subdued reaction could be due to various factors. On one hand, it could reflect the already priced-in expectation of investors, as rumors and speculations about the approval were already circulating beforehand. On the other hand, this could also be a sign that the crypto market is gradually reaching a certain maturity and stability, making it less susceptible to abrupt fluctuations due to news or regulatory decisions.

The approval of the Bitcoin Spot ETFs is more than just a symbolic act. It offers institutional investors a regulated and more transparent way to invest in Bitcoin, without having to deal directly with the cryptocurrency and its storage and security aspects. This could lead to a broader acceptance and integration of Bitcoin into the traditional financial system in the long term.

Although the short-term price reaction was subdued, the long-term effects of the approval could be far-reaching. The availability of Bitcoin ETFs on renowned exchanges like Wall Street not only increases the visibility of Bitcoin but can also contribute to further legitimization as an asset class. This could in turn lead to increased demand from institutional investors who have been hesitant so far due to regulatory concerns or lack of investment instruments.

The Spot Bitcoin ETFs witnessed high trading volumes on Wall Street on the second trading day, totaling almost 7.1 billion US dollars, despite a drop in the Bitcoin price below 44,000 US dollars. On the first day, nearly 4.6 billion US dollars were traded, and the second day already saw over 2.5 billion US dollars in trading activity. BlackRock’s Spot Bitcoin ETF was particularly successful with over 1 billion US dollars in trading volume on the first day, while Grayscale recorded the highest volume with 2.3 billion US dollars. Interestingly, initial concerns about high outflows at Grayscale were refuted, as only 95 million US dollars flowed out on the first trading day. Moreover, Bitwise led in capital inflows on the first day with 238 million US dollars, followed by Fidelity and BlackRock. These numbers could still increase.

Misunderstandings and misinformation about Bitcoin Spot ETFs

The recent introduction of Bitcoin Spot ETFs met resistance from some major brokers, particularly Vanguard and Merrill Lynch, as they prohibited their clients from purchasing these new ETFs. Vanguard, a leading player in the U.S. ETF market, allows only the sale, not the purchase, following the conversion of GBTC into an ETF. Vanguard justifies this decision by stating that the new ETFs do not match their investment philosophy and that the high volatility of cryptocurrencies contradicts their goals of long-term positive real returns. Vanguard also has no plans to introduce its own crypto-related products. This stance is in line with the earlier critical remarks of founder Jack Bogle about Bitcoin. However, critics point to a certain inconsistency, as Vanguard is invested in Bitcoin mining companies and continues to allow trading in other crypto-related products like the Bitcoin Futures ETF BITO.

The introduction of Bitcoin Spot Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) has led to a flood of information and, unfortunately, also misinformation. In a market as fast-moving and technology-driven as the crypto market, rumors and misunderstandings can quickly arise and spread. These misinformations can range from inadequately researched media reports to speculative statements on social networks and forums.

A widespread misunderstanding concerns the trading volume of the newly introduced ETFs. Many interpreted the high trading volume on the first day as a direct capital inflow into the Bitcoin market. However, this is a misinterpretation, as high trading volume does not necessarily indicate a net inflow of new capital. Instead, it reflects the activity of buying and selling ETF shares, which is not directly equated with new investments in Bitcoin.

Another point that is often misunderstood is the role and performance of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust in connection with the Spot ETFs. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, a popular way for investors to indirectly invest in Bitcoin before the introduction of the Spot ETFs, has traded at various prices in the past, often at a discount to the actual Bitcoin price. The conversion of this trust into an ETF and the resulting price movements led to confusions about the actual profit and loss accounts of investors.

There are also assumptions that the introduction of the Spot ETFs would automatically lead to a significant increase in the Bitcoin price. However, this assumption neglects other market mechanisms and influencing factors that determine the price of Bitcoin. The crypto market is complex and influenced by a variety of variables, including market sentiment, macroeconomic factors, and regulatory developments worldwide.

In a market that is evolving so rapidly and where information is often incomplete or distorted, it is important to critically question information and seek reliable sources. Investors and interested parties should ensure they are well-informed and not act based on rumors or speculation.

The complexity and challenges in understanding the new Bitcoin Spot ETFs are a crucial aspect of the discussion about digital currencies. It emphasizes the importance of informed and critical engagement with information, especially in a fast-paced and evolving market like that of crypto assets. The significance of careful analysis and responsible handling of information is highlighted to avoid misunderstandings and make informed decisions.

Institutional Reluctance and Future Perspectives of Bitcoin Spot ETFs

With the introduction of Bitcoin Spot ETFs on Wall Street, a new dynamic emerged in the relationship between traditional financial institutions and the cryptocurrency world. Surprisingly, some well-known asset managers have denied their clients the opportunity to invest in these ETFs. This decision reflects a deep-seated caution and possibly a misunderstanding of the nature and potential of crypto assets.

The refusal of some institutional players to allow their clients access to Bitcoin Spot ETFs could, in the short term, slow down the process of acceptance and integration of Bitcoin into the traditional financial system. This conservative stance could lead to these institutions losing market share to more progressive and risk-tolerant competitors willing to invest in new technologies and offer their clients a broader range of investment options.

A key factor contributing to the reluctance is regulatory uncertainty. Many institutional players are uncertain about the long-term regulatory perspectives for crypto assets, particularly in various legal jurisdictions. This uncertainty is further amplified by the constantly changing regulatory frameworks and the complex nature of crypto assets.

In the long term, however, the Bitcoin Spot ETFs could have a significant impact on the market. They offer a bridge for traditional investors to engage with digital assets and could lead to stronger institutional acceptance of Bitcoin in the long run. This could further stabilize the market for crypto assets and potentially lead to increased demand and higher prices.

The decision of some asset managers not to offer Bitcoin Spot ETF

s could also lead to a shift in investor behavior. Customers, especially younger generations who show a greater interest in digital assets, might turn away from traditional financial service providers and move towards more innovative platforms that align with their desires for diversification and engagement in new asset classes.

The complex and often hesitant relationship between traditional financial institutions and the rapidly evolving world of crypto assets is a topic of intense discussion in the financial world. Some major asset managers take a conservative stance and choose not to include Bitcoin Spot ETFs in their portfolio. This decision could lead to a shift in the market landscape over time, where more innovative and adaptable players come to the forefront. The role of Bitcoin Spot ETFs in the global financial system and their future development remain an exciting and debate-rich topic.

Conclusion and Outlook

The impressive trading volume of the leading Spot Bitcoin ETFs highlights the increased interest and growing acceptance of Bitcoin as an asset class in the traditional financial market. With Grayscale at the forefront, followed by BlackRock and Fidelity, it is evident that both institutional and private investors are ready to invest in this new form of digital assets. This trend underlines the potential of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to permanently establish themselves in the landscape of financial products and offers a promising outlook for the future of cryptocurrency investments.

The SEC’s approval of the Bitcoin Spot ETFs marks a historic milestone for the integration of crypto assets into the established financial system. Despite this significant development, the immediate impact on the Bitcoin price remained relatively subdued, indicating the increasing maturity of the crypto market. At the same time, misinformation and misunderstandings have distorted the actual effects and potential of the ETFs. While some major asset managers have decided against including this new asset class, they could lose competitiveness in the long run as the market evolves and demand for innovative investment products grows.

In the long term, Bitcoin Spot ETFs could lead to strengthened institutional acceptance and further legitimization of Bitcoin as an asset class. This could have a stabilizing effect on the market and lead to greater integration of crypto assets into the global financial system. The reluctance of some institutional players might be a short-term obstacle, but the growing demand, especially from younger and tech-savvy investors, is likely to lead to continued adoption.

In this dynamic environment, it remains crucial to stay well-informed and critically evaluate developments. The crypto market continues to face challenges, especially regarding regulatory clarity and market volatility. Nonetheless, the introduction of Bitcoin Spot ETFs is a clear indication that crypto assets are increasingly being viewed as a serious and permanent component of the financial world.

Ed Prinz is the co-founder and managing director of []( This platform serves as a digital marketplace for digital assets secured using blockchain technology. On this platform, digital assets can be created, displayed in a gallery, and traded on a trading platform. All of this is completely decentralized through smart contracts on the public blockchain. Usage rights are also secured on the blockchain, along with the entire trading history. He also serves as the chairman of [](, the most renowned non-profit organization in Austria specializing in blockchain technology. DLT Austria actively engages in education and promotion of the added value and application possibilities of distributed ledger technology. This is done through educational events, meetups, workshops, and open discussion rounds, all in voluntary collaboration with leading industry players.

This is my personal opinion and not financial advice.
Therefore, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in this article. If you are unsure, you should consult a qualified advisor you trust. No guarantees or promises regarding profits are made in this article. All statements in this and other articles reflect my personal opinion.



Ed Prinz

Ed Prinz co-founded, a digital marketplace for blockchain-secured assets, and chairs, a leading blockchain non-profit.