Will Bitcoin break the USD 100k mark in 2024?

Ed Prinz
11 min readJan 12, 2024
Will Bitcoin break the USD 100k mark in 2024?

The article discusses the remarkable potential of a significant event for Bitcoin and the broader crypto-asset space: the potential introduction of a Bitcoin Spot ETF by one of the world’s leading asset managers. It explores what an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is and explains its significance for Bitcoin and the wider cryptocurrency market, including altcoins. The article delves into the dynamics and expectations associated with the approval of such a fund and the potential impacts on Bitcoin’s price. Special attention is paid to the possible role of BlackRock, speculations about market influence, and a realistic assessment of the effects post-ETF approval. The aim is to provide an in-depth understanding of the topic and discuss whether and how such an event could propel Bitcoin to unprecedented heights.

The Anticipation and Reality of the Bitcoin Spot ETF.

A detailed examination and critical analysis of a potentially groundbreaking event in the world of cryptocurrencies is presented: the introduction of a Bitcoin Spot ETF. This ETF is seen as a turning point for institutional investments in Bitcoin, allowing entities like pension funds and other major investors to invest safely and regulatedly in this volatile asset class. Especially if a heavyweight like BlackRock spearheads such an ETF’s introduction, it is widely expected to open the gates for massive capital inflow into the Bitcoin market. The period between a Bitcoin Spot ETF’s approval and its actual trading commencement is critical.

The SEC might approve the ETF application, but there could be a lag before the ETF is actually traded on exchanges. During this time, banks and ETF applicants must make preparations, and there might be a correction or sell-off even with the approval in place. It’s challenging to predict the exact start of trading.

The original assumption that the ETF will immediately boost prices might not hold true, potentially leading to a “buy the rumor, sell the news” scenario. It is important to consider all possible scenarios, positioning oneself to potentially benefit from both. This might mean taking partial profits but not selling everything to account for unexpected developments. Patience and discipline are crucial, avoiding excessive greed.

Another critical aspect is the actual magnitude of capital flow. The mere existence of the ETF doesn’t guarantee significant institutional investment. The tension between optimistic expectations and the realistic possibility of initial cautious capital flow is central. It might take months for the ETF to be tradable, leading to market volatility as expectations adjust. The opening of gates doesn’t necessarily mean immediate large capital inflows. Institutional investors need to opt to invest their capital. Asset managers’ interest in promoting the ETF is due to the fees they can earn.

It’s crucial to understand that the assumption of Bitcoin’s price immediately rising upon ETF approval doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. Implementation can take time. Also, other asset classes like gold and silver continue to be in strong demand. Thus, it’s unlikely that Bitcoin will immediately achieve an extremely high market capitalization.

Despite the critical view, the introduction of the Bitcoin Spot ETF is highlighted as a historic event for Bitcoin, especially regarding its recognition and legitimization as a legitimate asset class in the traditional financial sector. The introduction of a Bitcoin ETF has significant long-term implications for Bitcoin and its recognition as an asset class in the traditional financial system. Major asset managers like BlackRock could lend unprecedented legitimacy to Bitcoin and provide institutional investors with easy, regulated access to this cryptocurrency. This could lead to a significant influx of capital into the crypto market, enhancing liquidity and price formation. Asset managers are interested in offering new asset classes as they can profit from management fees paid by investors in the ETF.

The introduction of a Bitcoin ETF could also increase public interest in Bitcoin and help make the cryptocurrency accessible to a broader audience. Overall, this could mark a significant milestone in Bitcoin’s development.

In the months and years following the introduction of a Bitcoin ETF, two key scenarios might emerge. There could be an initial correction or decline in Bitcoin prices shortly after the ETF launch, possibly due to profit-taking by investors who acquired Bitcoin before the ETF’s introduction.

However, this initial correction could be temporary. In a later phase, there might be a gradual influx of capital into the Bitcoin market as institutional investors and other stakeholders gradually gain confidence in the ETF and the overall Bitcoin market.

Critically evaluating these scenarios and analyzing the actual market mechanisms allows for a comprehensive perspective on the complex dynamics associated with the introduction of a Bitcoin Spot ETF. This enables a better understanding of the impacts of this significant change in the crypto market.

Irrational Exuberance and the Expectations for the Bitcoin ETF.

Now, we explore the psychological aspects and market mechanisms that shape the expectations and speculations surrounding the potential Bitcoin Spot ETF. A key term in this discussion is “irrational exuberance,” a phenomenon where prices soar far beyond their assumed fair value due to emotions and expectations. This dynamic can be observed in the days leading up to the potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF, with particular attention paid to the role of leverage and liquidation levels in the market.

The phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecies in finance is noteworthy, where the expectations or predictions of market participants actually lead to their realization. This often happens when influential individuals or groups in the market make their opinions and positions public, thereby influencing the perceptions and actions of other market participants. For instance, a renowned investor or analyst might issue a pessimistic forecast for a specific stock or market. If this opinion is widely circulated and deemed credible by many, investors might begin selling their shares, leading to an actual decline in price, thus making the prediction a reality.

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bill Ackman, a prominent U.S. hedge fund manager, appeared in TV interviews on CNBC and CNN, advocating vigorously for a strict lockdown by the U.S. government. He argued for closing all trade routes and businesses to stop the spread of the pandemic described as catastrophic and predicted a frighteningly high death toll. However, it later emerged that Ackman had taken a massive short position in the market at the time. His public statements and warnings could be seen as a form of indirect influence, as the ensuing panic and resulting market drops benefitted his short position.

This situation serves as an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy in finance and raises questions about market manipulation. Such tactics are not uncommon, especially in realms where powerful players can influence the market to their advantage. It reflects a recurring pattern, particularly in the crypto world since at least 2017, where public statements and strategies of large banks and fund managers like JPMorgan or BlackRock need to be critically viewed. The announcement of the Bitcoin Spot ETF could be subject to similar influence dynamics, prompting investors to be cautious and critically question statements that could move the market.

These events illustrate how public statements and predictions, especially from prominent market personalities, can become a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. This dynamic underscores the importance of critical thinking and skepticism towards public statements and forecasts. It’s crucial to be aware that such utterances are not always made in the best interest of the broad mass of investors and are often guided by the speaker’s own interests or market strategy. In this context, understanding this phenomenon serves as an important caution and reminder for investors that not all public statements and predictions should be considered objective or altruistic. Instead, a thorough personal analysis and scrutiny are required to make informed investment decisions.

ETF Structures and Their Impact on the Bitcoin Market.

The structure of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and specific regulatory requirements play a crucial role in the functioning and response of the cryptocurrency market. Focusing on “in-kind” and “Cash-Create” ETFs, we explore how these different approaches can influence market dynamics, especially within the strict guidelines of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While “in-kind” ETFs allow the direct exchange of assets for shares, “Cash-Create” ETFs require cash investments that are then converted into the asset. SEC regulations, which aim for transparency and security, tend to reject “in-kind” contributions, significantly impacting existing trusts like Grayscale and the overall market structure.

The adoption of such a fund does not necessarily lead to an immediate “Sell the News” event. Instead, the new ETF structure and growing institutional interest might create sustained buying pressure that positively influences the market. This situation highlights the unpredictability of the market and the variety of opinions and strategies that exist in this domain. Investors are encouraged to adopt a balanced and well-informed perspective, considering various possible developments.

In conclusion, it is advisable for investors to take a strategic approach. Securing partial profits and protecting against unexpected market events are key aspects of a prudent investment plan. The cyclical nature of Bitcoin and other markets presents both challenges and opportunities and should be thoroughly understood and strategically leveraged. Long-term success in the cryptocurrency market results from a combination of knowledge, caution, and the ability to adapt to dynamic market conditions and learn from past cycles. Investors must be prepared to flexibly respond to new information and modify their investment strategies accordingly.

Market Psychology and Investment Strategies in Volatile Times.

The psychological aspects of investing in volatile markets, especially regarding Bitcoin and the anticipated reaction to the introduction of an ETF, are complex and multifaceted. A central point is the phenomenon of market mania, characterized by the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), which can drive investors to make irrational decisions. Markets do not move in one direction continuously, and every significant upward movement is ultimately subject to correction.

Investors are advised not to be guided by short-term movements but to adopt a long-term perspective, especially considering the tax advantages of holding cryptocurrencies long-term in certain countries, like Germany. The importance of being invested in markets to participate in potential upward movements is highlighted, as is the necessity to control one’s greed and not act impulsively due to FOMO.

The dangers of market manipulation are varied and can have significant effects on investors and market equilibrium. Market manipulation often occurs through spreading misleading information, deliberate pumping and dumping of cryptocurrencies, or insider trading, where market participants with privileged information use it to their advantage. These practices can undermine market integrity, lead to artificial price fluctuations, and erode trust in markets.

A well-known example of market manipulation is the behavior of Bill Ackman during the COVID-19 pandemic. His public appearances predicting dire measures and a bleak future could have influenced the markets to his financial advantage by taking a large short position. As the scenarios he described stirred public fear and investors sold their shares, the market prices fell, benefiting his short position.

Another example is the “Pump and Dump” scheme, particularly prevalent in less regulated markets like the cryptocurrency market. Here, actors artificially inflate the price of an asset through coordinated purchases and positive news (“Pump”) only to sell their shares at an inflated price (“Dump”). Uninformed investors who jump on board hoping to benefit from the price increase are often left with crypto assets whose value quickly plummets.

These examples highlight the importance of critically evaluating information and not acting on rumors or the opinions of influential people. It’s essential that investors conduct their own research, use various sources of information, and maintain a long-term perspective to protect themselves from the effects of market manipulation.

My personal approach includes a prudent strategy that prioritizes buying during market downturns and avoiding purchases during peak hype. I do not invest all my available capital at once but instead phase in to optimize the average purchase price. Realizing partial gains and setting aside a reserve for unexpected positive developments, known as a “Moonbag,” are also part of this method.

I consider the potential impacts of ETF rejection or approval on the market and believe it’s crucial to be well-prepared and positioned. I am aware of the cyclical nature of markets and understand that a patient and strategic approach often leads to the best outcomes.

It’s important to stay informed and optimistic and continuously educate oneself to be prepared for the next market change. Being ready to continuously adjust and optimize strategies to effectively respond to long-term trends and short-term market fluctuations is critical.

Conclusion and Final Remarks

“Bitcoin’s Path to $100,000” examines various factors that could influence Bitcoin’s price, including the potential introduction of a Bitcoin Spot ETF, market psychology, and historical halving patterns. It’s noted that such events have typically triggered significant price movements in the past and could potentially do so again in the future.

The cyclical nature of Bitcoin, particularly in relation to halving events, is a critical aspect that investors should consider. Historically, halvings have led to reduced inflation in Bitcoin, often followed by a phase of price increase. It’s wise to prepare for potential significant corrections before a halving, as these periods have historically been seen as favorable buying opportunities. Such cyclical events could be utilized as potential investment opportunities, especially when the price is significantly below current levels, to then ideally sell at the next all-time high before the next major downturn.

A call for caution and strategic, well-informed planning is appropriate. The introduction of an ETF, the next halving cycle, and other market events can offer opportunities but also come with risks. Disciplined risk management, thorough analysis, and a deep understanding of the crypto markets are crucial to achieve success and avoid potential pitfalls.

In the world of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, change is the only constant. Well-prepared and informed investors might find unprecedented opportunities in the coming years. However, to be successful in the long term, it’s critical to approach each investment with an informed, disciplined, and strategic perspective. The future might be uncertain, but careful planning and an understanding of the cyclical nature of markets can significantly help pave the way to success.

In the current market situation, a cautious approach to investments is advisable. Instead of investing all capital at once, a phased approach might be wise.

This approach involves dividing available capital into parts, be it 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, or another percentage that matches one’s personal risk profile. These amounts can be gradually invested in the market, and positions can be adjusted according to market developments.

Two possible scenarios emerge: Either the market price increases, with part of the capital already invested and unrealized gains achieved, or a market downturn occurs, offering the opportunity to buy more at a lower price to improve the average entry price. This way, the risk of investing all capital at an unfavorable time is minimized, and flexibility is maintained to respond to various market developments.

Moreover, it’s advisable to realize profits gradually and not fall into excessive “FOMO mode” (Fear Of Missing Out). This means securing profits step by step, rather than hoping for a sudden massive increase. It’s important to always consider one’s investment goals and risk tolerance when making investment decisions.

Personally, I believe that by the end of 2024, Bitcoin’s price could surpass its previous all-time high from November 2021. My view is that about 18 to 24 months after the halving event, Bitcoin could reach a price of $150,000 but will not sustain at this level. Significant corrections will continue to occur. In the long term, I see Bitcoin surpassing $500,000 over the next 10 to 15 years. It’s crucial to emphasize that no asset in the world will rise forever and ever. Eventually, a limit will be reached, but no one can say with certainty where that limit is and, most importantly, when it will be reached. For this reason, I am overall and long-term very optimistic about Bitcoin.

Ed Prinz is the co-founder and CEO of https://loob.io, a platform serving as a digital marketplace for digital assets secured through blockchain technology. On this platform, users can create digital assets, exhibit them in a gallery, and trade them on a marketplace, all entirely decentralized through smart contracts on the public blockchain. Rights of use are also secured on the blockchain along with the entire trading history. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of https://dltaustria.com, Austria’s most prestigious non-profit organization specializing in blockchain technology. DLT Austria actively engages in educating and promoting the added value and application possibilities of Distributed Ledger Technology through educational events, meetups, workshops, and open discussion rounds, all in voluntary collaboration with leading industry players.

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and not financial advice. Therefore, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information in this article. If you are unsure, you should consult a qualified advisor you trust. No guarantees or promises regarding profits are made in this article. All statements in this and other articles represent my personal opinion.



Ed Prinz

Ed Prinz co-founded https://loob.io, a digital marketplace for blockchain-secured assets, and chairs https://dltaustria.com, a leading blockchain non-profit.