The Wonder Method

Ed Swartz
5 min readMar 17, 2023


Feel Your Feelings

Feel Your Feelings

The Wonder Method is a technique for feeling and processing your feelings.

The simplest version is to gently put your attention on your emotions and physical feelings.

As you gently keep your attention on your feelings you may unwind.

Unwinding means to release emotions held in a certain area of the body.

You may sense the unwinding of emotions like steam arising up from the body.

As the emotions are released, physical tightness in that area may release. You might notice tight hips, lower back muscles, etc. relax.

Pushing or Allowing

Alain and Jody Herriott, creators of The Wonder Method, group energy healing techniques into two categories:

Pushing energy at the ill area.

Or, feeling the feelings to allow the ill area to open up.

Pushing Model

In the “Pushing” model, the healing practitioner, creates energy through breathing patterns and directing attention, and then pushes the energy, like a firehose to the client’s ill body area.

In this model, according to the Herriott’s, sometimes the ill area improves and sometimes the ill area doesn’t improve.

The Herriott’s wanted a more effective technique to help improve the health of the ill area.

Feeling the Feelings Model

The Herriott’s technique involves feeling the feelings of the ill area and creating a sense of wonder.

Using this approach, the cells would more frequently open up versus the “pushing” model.

How does “opening up” a area improve the health of that area?

We discuss that next.

Flowing or Not Flowing: That is The Question

What can the idea of flow mean for health or decline of health.

And, how releasing emotions helps to improve health.

Garden Hose Analogy

Imagine you’ve turned on the water for your garden hose.

The water flows easily out the end of the hose.

Now, you grab the hose and kink it. What happens?

The water slows or stops.

If your garden hose is kinked you can’t water your garden and your beautiful flowers and plants start to wither and potentially die.

You release the kink and the water resumes flowing out the end of the hose.

You can water your garden. Your rose bushes flourish.

Your Body’s Garden Hoses

The body has “hoses”, like your blood vessels, capillaries to deliver oxygen, nutrients, etc. to cells. And, carry out waste products for elimination.

Also, the body has pathways, like our garden hose, to deliver energy to various parts of the body. For example, we know the heart works on electrical signals because doctors do electro-cardiograms (EKGs) to see if your heart is working properly.

When these body “hoses” are open oxygen, nutrients, and energy can easily reach the cells. And, the cells usually thrive.

But, when some of the body “hoses” are kinked or blocked, vital nutrients and energy can’t reach the cells.

In turn the cells decline in health.

My understanding is that when one experiences negative emotions, like frustration, you tighten certain areas of the body.

That tightening restricts the flow of vital nutrients and energy pathways to your cells.

And, as I noted above the cells, in the tight areas, decline in health just like your garden withering without water.

The Problem: Too Much Thinking

The Herriott’s believe that too much thinking causes one to lock emotions into the body. These locked emotions cause areas of the body to tighten and in turn restrict the flow of vital nutrients and energy as we discussed in the garden hose analogy.

I’m a software engineer. All day I’m solving coding problems like:

How to design that regular expression to parse data.

How to design an SQL procedure to get data from a database.

That means I’m thinking a lot and I’m not feeling my feelings nor releasing any emotions or frustrations I might experience throughout the day.

By feeling my feelings I find:

  • Sleep better at night.
  • I feel more calm during the day.
  • I have less tension in my body.

Rumbling Freight Train Experience

Photo by Jack Sloop on Unsplash

As I approached the railroad tracks, I heard a freight train rumbling down the tracks.

I stood still, several safe yards away from the tracks, waiting for the train to pass.

I remembered to “Feel Your Feelings”.

I didn’t think about anything. I didn’t complain that I had to wait.

I felt as best I could, the rumbling of train, the lurching of the freight cars from side-to-side, and the squeaking of the axles in need of oil.

I deeply or more fully experienced the passing of the train.

I remember that train experience better than I remember a lot of other experiences.


Buy & Read The Book

If you’re interested in learning more, I suggest you purchase and read Alain’s book:

Energy Healing and The Art of Awakening Through Wonder, by Alain and Jody Herriott

(Disclosure: I do not receive any affiliate commissions if you purchase Alain’s book. Amazon deactivated my affiliate account :().

Practice the Emotional Processing Method

Alain describes his Emotional Processing Method in detail in Chapter 7 Feeling & Emotional Healing.

I suggest practicing this method as a first step to understanding the process and feeling your feelings.

Take a Level I & II Workshop

While one can learn the basic ideas and processing steps from the book, I gained a ton of understanding from taking the Level I & II workshops.

Once you’ve practiced the emotional processing method a little bit, I suggest you consider taking the Level I & II workshops.

Take One-On-One Sessions

I’ve taken two one-on-one sessions with Alain a few years ago.

I enjoyed and learned a lot from those sessions.

Currently, Alain is only teaching his higher level workshops and is not doing one-on-one sessions.

The Wonder Method site lists practitioners who have trained under Alain.

Recently, I had a wonderful session with Ellen Abramson.

My preference is to have the session recorded, so I can listen to it later and transcribe any information into Notion.

Consider Being an Instructor or Coach

If you enjoy this work you might consider taking additional trainings to become a coach or practitioner and help others process their emotions.


I practice The Wonder Method and feel my feelings everyday.

I believe this practice has helped me a lot to release daily frustrations and unwind tight areas in my body.

Disclaimer: You might certainly improve your health by using The Wonder Method techniques.

However, please do not rely 100% on this technique if you are experiencing challenging health problems. Please work with a competent medical practitioner who can advise you on what to eat and other healthy practices.

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Ed Swartz

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