Grace Hopper: The Remarkable Woman Behind the “Bug”

Eduardo Casanova
4 min readJul 13, 2024


Grace Hooper — I Wrote Code For Humans

Have you ever encountered a computer bug and grumbled about it? Well, the term “bug” itself has a fascinating origin story, and it involves a remarkable woman named Grace Hopper. But Grace Hopper’s contributions to the world of technology go far beyond a single moth! Let’s delve into the life and achievements of this pioneering computer scientist.

From Navy Rear Admiral to Programming Pioneer

Grace Hooper sitting right next to her desk

Grace Hopper wasn’t your typical computer whiz kid. Born in 1906, she excelled in mathematics and physics, earning a Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale University. However, her life took an unexpected turn when she joined the U.S. Navy Reserve during World War II. Here’s where things get interesting.

The Navy assigned Hopper to a top-secret project at Harvard University: the Mark I computer, one of the first large-scale electromechanical computers. It was here that Hopper’s passion for programming ignited. She quickly grasped the machine’s potential and saw the need for simpler, more user-friendly programming languages.

Did you know? The Mark I computer weighed over 50 tons and had over 800 miles of wire!

“Debugged” by a Moth: A Coined Term is Born

A moth taped to a paper. The first actual case of a bug.

While working on the Mark I, Hopper encountered a peculiar problem. The computer malfunctioned repeatedly, and after a thorough investigation, they discovered the culprit: a moth trapped inside the machine! Hopper jokingly referred to the issue as a “bug” in the system, and the term stuck. Today, “debugging” is a cornerstone of computer science!

Championing Simpler Programming Languages

Hopper wasn’t satisfied with the complex, machine-code-based programming languages of the time. She believed that programming should be accessible to a wider range of people, not just mathematicians and engineers. This led her to develop COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), a language designed to be closer to natural English. COBOL revolutionized business computing and remains influential even today.

Hopper’s vision for simpler programming languages paved the way for more user-friendly interfaces and coding languages we use today.

A Legacy of Inspiration: Grace Hopper Celebration

An auditorium packed with people attending the Grace Hooper celebration

Even after her retirement from the Navy as a rear admiral (yes, you read that right!), Hopper continued to advocate for women in computer science. She became a role model for countless aspiring programmers, especially women, who were often underrepresented in the field.

Today, the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) is the world’s largest conference for women in technology, a testament to her lasting impact.

Grace Hopper: More Than Just a Bug Fighter

A Short 3–5 min video about Grace Hooper

Grace Hopper’s story is more than just a quirky anecdote about a moth. It’s a testament to the power of human ingenuity, the importance of clear communication in technology, and the unwavering dedication to breaking barriers in a male-dominated field. Her legacy continues to inspire generations of programmers and tech enthusiasts.

So, the next time you encounter a bug, take a moment to remember Grace Hopper, the remarkable woman who not only battled bugs but also championed a future of accessible and user-friendly technology.

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Eduardo Casanova

💻 Software Engineer 💪🏽 Ex-Fitness Coach 📹 I do Videos About Computer Scientists