Eda Tetik
4 min readAug 4, 2023

Introduction to Autopsy — An Open-Source Digital Forensics Tool

In digital forensics, Autopsy stands out as a powerful open-source platform for analyzing and investigating digital evidence. Developed by Basis Technology Corp, Autopsy is widely known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, making it a popular choice among digital forensic professionals and enthusiasts. In this blog article, we will explore Autopsy, its functionalities, and system requirements and provide a step-by-step “Quick Start Guide” to demonstrate how to use the tool effectively.

“The 64 bit version of Autopsy requires a minimum of 8GB RAM (16 GB recommended). When the 64 bit version of Autopsy is installed on Windows it will be limited to a maximum heap size of 4GB leaving the remaining memory for the operating system, the internal Solr text indexing service and other applications. If you wish to change the maximum heap size you can do so after installation by changing the Maximum JVM Memory value in the Runtime section under Tools -> Options -> Application”(The Sleuth Kit.,n.d.).

  • Downloading and Installing Autopsy:
  • To download Autopsy, visit the official download page: Autopsy Downloads
  • Choose the appropriate version for your operating system and follow the installation instructions for your platform.
  • Creating a New Case:
  • Launch Autopsy after installation.
  • Click on “New Case” to create a new case and provide relevant case information such as Case Name, Case Number, and Case Description.
  • Choose a location on your system to store the case files and evidence.
  • Adding Evidence:
  • Once the case is created, click “Add Data Source” to add evidence.
  • You can add various data sources, such as a hard drive, disk image, or file folder.
  • Select the appropriate option and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Processing the Evidence:
  • After adding the evidence, Autopsy will begin processing, extracting and indexes data from the provided sources.
  • Depending on the size of the evidence, this process may take some time.
  • Analyzing the Case:
  • Once processing is complete, you’ll be able to explore the evidence.
  • Autopsy provides a user-friendly interface, allowing you to view and analyze various data types, including images, emails, documents, and more.
  • Use the left-hand navigation pane to access analysis modules like Keyword Search, Timeline Analysis, File Analysis, etc.
  • Keyword Search:
    Click on the “Keyword Search” module for specific keywords or phrases within the evidence.
  • Enter the search term, select the data sources, and click “Search.”
    An autopsy will display the search results, helping you identify relevant evidence quickly.
  • Timeline Analysis:
  • The “Timeline Analysis” module presents a chronological view of events based on file timestamps and metadata.
  • Use this feature to understand the sequence of activities related to the case.
    File Analysis:
  • The “File Analysis” module lets you view files based on categories such as images, documents, videos, etc.
  • You can preview and examine files in detail.
  • Generating Reports:
  • Autopsy allows you to generate comprehensive reports summarizing your findings.
  • Click on “Generate Report” and select the desired report format.
  • An autopsy is a versatile and powerful open-source digital forensics tool that facilitates the investigation and analysis of digital evidence. Its intuitive interface and wide range of analysis modules make it an invaluable asset in digital forensics. Autopsy provides the tools necessary to conduct in-depth examinations and generate detailed reports, whether you are a seasoned professional or a beginner.


Autopsy User Documentation: Installing Autopsy. (n.d.). The Sleuth Kit. Retrieved August 3, 2023, from https://sleuthkit.org/autopsy/docs/user-docs/4.5.0/installation_page.html