The Role and Significance of Technology in Education

Emma Davis
4 min readDec 13, 2019

“Technology can become the “wings” that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before — if we will allow it.”

- Jenny Arledge, Director of College and Career Readiness

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Thanks to the unconventional learning methods powered by technology these days. Things have changed for the better with promising benefits in the store. Educators and software developers across the globe, in a collaborative effort, have come up with more products, dedicated to enhancing education. As a matter of fact, about 63% of K-12 teachers use technology in the classroom on a regular basis.

This is a clear indication that education and technology are already walking the path together with some of the major advancements backing up such initiatives.

Now that you are eager to explore the role and significance of technology in education, here’s everything you should know about.

§ Online assignment assistance marks the beginning of a new era

If we go back a decade, education was only confined to the conventional walls of classroom learning and private tutoring. Asking a virtual tutor to “write my assignment was a farfetched dream back then. It is really amazing to realize how things have changed rapidly and in a positive direction over the years.

These days, one can seek customized writing assistance and read through a plethora of academic blogs and well-knit assignment samples from sites such as Coursera and edX.

§ Artificial Intelligence has made in the realm of education

This is yet another significant contribution of technology to the sector of education and learning. AI-powered systems are being constantly developed and utilized in order to personalize learning for each individual. Reportedly, it is predicted that by 2024, 47% of learning tools will be backed by AI technologies.

It is said that Artificial Intelligence-driven learning tools such as Gradescope, Knowji, and Splashmath can greatly enhance the efficiency of several educational institutions.

As a result, it will lower their operating costs, and give them better visibility into income and expenditure and overall responsiveness of the students and academic institutes.

Thus, it comes with so many advantageous aspects in store, AI in education is a phenomenon that is here to stay.

§ Virtual Reality In Education Brings Forth A Promising Tomorrow

VR or Virtual Reality has entered the domain of education as well. It can be used in order to improve student engagement and learning. VR education is said to transform the way educational lessons and every other academic content is delivered.

For example, Blue Fall, a 1966 painting by the much-celebrated Helen Frankenthaler is on display at the Milwaukee Art’s Museum.

The catch is, students of fine arts are not required to travel and visit the museum in order to experience it. VR applications can help them virtually zoom in on the expressionist’s work, simply at the comfort of their classroom or home.

If this isn’t termed as the new-age education trend, I don’t know what will be.

§ Engaging Through Educational Videos And Podcasts Is Always Intriguing

Talking of the role and significance of technology in education, this particular point gets a special mention. The use of video in education is considered highly effective. It supports and helps students with different learning styles, and paves further ways for innovative learning.

According to a report, 68% of students admitted to watching videos in classes. And, 78% of them voluntarily watch educational videos in order to enhance their understanding of a particular topic. Thus, it goes without saying that the role of video learning in education has already spread its wings in a promising way.

Coming to the context of the podcast in education, it has some serious significance as well. Educators can record audio podcasts to provide additional revision materials to students. On the other hand, students can benefit from such podcasts by accessing them for additional lessons, extra notes and other career counseling sessions on the go.

To cite an example, Admission Straight Talk is a weekly audio session that discusses what’s new and thought-provoking in the world of college admissions. On the other hand, The Torch gives access to lessons, explained by professors from some of the best universities, so that students can connect and converse easily.

To Wrap Up

Wrapping it up, I would like to mention the fact that education without technology shall remain incomplete in today’s world. It is amazing to experience such technology trends contributing to the world of education. I will soon be back with another exciting list of technological advancements happening in academic space. Till then, play a podcast, try out some AI learning tools and watch academic videos to boost your skills like a pro.




Emma Davis

This is Emma Jonas who provides online academic essay writing service.