Why do people watch online casino games?

Ed Craven
3 min readDec 13, 2022


Source: Shutterstock

A question I get asked a lot, and this stems from my childhood in fact, is why people watch others playing games when they can just do it themselves?

As gambling has evolved into more of an online entity with newer, engaging games and even live casinos like we offer on Stake, I’ve noticed a lot of people questioning the entertainment value in watching others gamble online.

If we take a step back, it is a really interesting point and one that I’ve perhaps glossed over many times as, for me, it’s just been a part of my childhood growing up, both playing and watching others play games I enjoy.

We can’t ignore that it’s been happening right in front of us — Take e-sports and the growth of this over time, in many cases getting more viewers than traditional sporting games on prime channels across the world!

I think 3 key factors have contributed to the entertainment value of online casinos: 1) technology 2) live streaming personalities and 3) more engaging games designed for wider audiences.

Let’s take technological innovation in the gaming space in particular. Just over a decade ago, the very idea of playing and live streaming at the same time to a global audience would have been completely alien to us, today it is natural and growing faster than ever before.

Tech means that our living rooms and offices from a click of a button can become a portal into something else appreciated by millions if done properly. Our games consoles, our laptops and PCs and even mobile phones can instantly share content in real time, capturing our own reactions while playing games.

When it comes to online casino offerings, many wonder where the viewer engagement comes from watching somebody else gamble. I think this is a valid point — After all, would you want to walk into a traditional casino and stand behind somebody on a slot machine for 2 or 3 hours and watch them play? The answer is likely a definite no!

For me, therefore, I believe it’s a combination of the above. Newer, more engaging games coupled with real streaming personalities with a dedicated audience behind them fuelled by technology enabling them to share their fun globally. I think this recipe has been one we’ve been completely behind at Stake.

We understand that engaging, diverse and new games help fuel the entertainment value of online casinos. For far too long this hasn’t really existed, with game development in the space remaining relatively dormant. Now though, some of the world’s biggest names in gaming and entertainment frequently have fun on Stake for the world to see.

The concept of winning big and often giving back to the wider community is a powerful one which has certainly popularised online casino content.

People keep tuning in and want more and they ultimately enjoy being a part of this community. Its only right, therefore, that we, as industry leaders, continue to deliver for our global community and fan base by providing the best platform in the business.

This year has been a monumental year for Stake and the industry in general, and I’m beyond excited to see what 2023 holds for our community.


