3 min readJul 16, 2023

A Deep Dive into RootCloud’s Industrial Internet Operating System: Transforming Manufacturing with New Production Capabilities

In a recent feature by the overseas edition of People’s Daily, the spotlight was cast on the transformative power of the “RootCloud Industrial Internet Operating System” in the manufacturing sector. The article, titled “Industrial Internet Brings New Production Scenarios,” took readers on a deep dive into the Sany Heavy Industry Lighthouse Factory, illustrating the revolutionary production capabilities brought about by RootCloud’s system.

The industrial internet has been a game-changer for the manufacturing industry, with its market size exceeding 1.2 trillion yuan. It has been instrumental in driving profound changes across various sectors of the national economy and society, presenting new trends in the development of the manufacturing industry. The industrial internet is facilitating the deep integration of the digital economy with the physical economy, ushering in a new era of industrial production.

The Sany Heavy Industry Factory in Changping District, Beijing, is a prime example of this transformation. The factory, which produces rotary drilling rigs, has seen a significant shift in its production process. Previously, the production of a single rotary drilling rig would take about a month and require over a thousand workers. However, after the factory underwent digital transformation in 2019, the production time was reduced to just seven to eight days, and the annual output value increased to over 70 billion yuan. The workforce was also transformed, with hundreds of workers becoming multi-skilled engineers who can both work and program.

The key to this digital transformation was the digital system built on the “RootCloud Platform” of RootCloud’s Industrial Internet. This system, which serves as the “brain” of intelligent manufacturing, allows for the rapid decomposition of orders to each flexible production line, each workstation, each device, and each worker, enabling data-driven processes from order to delivery. The “RootCloud Platform” continuously analyzes industrial big data collected from over 36,000 data collection points, optimizing the process flow by matching the best parameters for each process, each model, and even each tool.

RootCloud is one of the influential industrial internet platforms in China. Recently, the company released three major scenario versions of the RootCloud Industrial Internet Operating System, covering “Smart Factory,” “Digital Enterprise,” and “Wisdom Chain Group.” This operating system, which has been verified over seven years of application, can virtualize and online industrial equipment, providing an environment for the development and operation of enterprise apps. It currently provides industrial internet services to nearly a thousand industrial enterprises.

The release of three national standards in the field of industrial internet platforms by the State Market Supervision Administration (National Standardization Management Committee) has clarified the key points of technological breakthroughs and practical paths, providing an important reference for enterprises to select platforms. This is of great significance to the standardization construction of China’s industrial internet platform and the promotion of high-quality advancement of new industrialization.

As we approach the end of the “Industrial Internet Innovation Development Action Plan (2021–2023)” issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the integrated application of the industrial internet has shown significant results. The Ministry has formulated and promoted the integration application guidelines for more than ten key industries such as steel and electronics, and has selected nearly 600 pilot demonstration application benchmarks. The Ministry will study and issue guidance to promote the high-quality development of the industrial internet, and improve the top-level design of development in the new stage.

Experts suggest that a batch of application cases with high application value and strong replicability should be selected to enhance the large-scale promotion level of the industrial internet platform. It is also necessary to enhance the leading role of industry-leading enterprises, encourage a group of large enterprises with international competitiveness and ecological leading enterprises with industrial chain control power to build industrial internet platforms, and lead the rapid application of industrial internet platforms in various industries.


ESG Analyst & Data Scientist on Crossroad between AI, Tokenization, and Circular Economy