According To The Queen’s Personal Astronomer, The Aliens are Actually Electronic Creatures

Eddie Petersen
1 min readAug 11, 2018


According to the Queen’s personal astronomer, Lord Martin Rees, the aliens are actually electronic creatures with such a dominion that even dethroned their leaders.

Lord Martin Rees is the astronomer of the British Royalty. Lately, he revealed some seriously dangerous depictions of how he believes the alien look like.

Namely, he materialized the extraterrestrial world with electronic creatures which will have succeeded their original masters.

Rees said that the alien beings will have no connection nor resemblance with humanity. On the contrary, when they take over the world, they will even overthrow their own creators.

“My guess is that if we do detect an alien intelligence, it will be nothing like us,” he said.

The 74-year-old astronomer said that it would be “extremely unlikely” to find aliens that resemble humankind.

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