A Soup Bowl of Joe and Fear

Eddie Cohn
3 min readFeb 4, 2022

Poor Joe

What happened to the macho man

For the first time in a long time

You looked like a wuss

But that’s what happens when the billionaires hold the strings

Turning even the mighty Joe into a bowl of mushy bland soup

Go back to MMA and comedy

No more physicians or “experts”

Stay in your lane Joe

The safety first lane

Where mediocrity breeds

And billionaires rule the world

I saw you escape to IG to apologize

With your tail between your legs

Someone must have told you to apologize

I didn’t even recognize you

I thought you didn’t give a fuck

But I guess you crossed the invisible dotted line

And committed a new crime

A 2022 crime

Where searching for truth is the greatest crime of all

Remember the truth

Me neither

It’s been gone for a long time



Eddie Cohn

Writer, Podcaster, Musician, DJ & Yoga Teacher — Striving for Less Robots