
Eddie Cohn
1 min readNov 2, 2021

The more you scroll, the more you shrink.

The more you stare, the more we shrink.

Collectively. Globally. Minds evaporate to dust.


Not Castanza shrinkage.

Your brain. Shrinking.

Activity… gone.

Alive and Free. Wanting. Thinking.


You’re meant to feel alive. To express and to feel.




Remember those?

Not meant to troll. Not to stare or be a waste of time.

To think.

To think for yourself.

Break free from the chains that your cell phone has wrapped around your priorities.

Your values.

Your perspective.

Your life.

Break free from the trick.

The trick of dopamine.

The attention whore.

Living inside of you.

Wanting to steal the life out of you.

You deserve much more than a like, a tweet or a follow.



Eddie Cohn

Writer, Podcaster, Musician, DJ & Yoga Teacher — Striving for Less Robots