What Happened to Human Decency?

Eddie Cohn
4 min readSep 24, 2020

I’m angry. Angry at the world we‘ve become. The division, violence, mistrust and manipulation is too much to bear. Sorry I’m not posting a selfie or some innocuous photo of my kitty cat. You prefer the mundane, don’t you? I guess I’m just tired of the robotic and tribal flow of our culture. The politics. The grandstanding. The know-it-alls. The daily vomiting on social media disguised as “conversation” while basic human decency is being ripped to shreds.

This isn’t meant to be a “last straw” or some sort of suicide note although I can see why depression, loneliness and anxiety are exponentially on the rise. It feels like the world is spiraling out of control. People are giving up, numbing out on some new app or TV show on Netflix. Communities are breaking down and while I luckily still have so much to be thankful for in my little bubble called life, the world around me looks to be caving in.

I try to be hopeful and of course I “see” the brighter side but when I go outside, I mostly see fear, anxiety, mistrust and some apocalyptic version of California. It’s too easy to blame Trump or blame politics…



Eddie Cohn

Writer, Podcaster, Musician, DJ & Yoga Teacher — Striving for Less Robots