Your brain is fried chicken

Eddie Cohn
2 min readMay 17, 2023
Photo by Ben Moreland on Unsplash

Careless and wasteful

Time has no meaning

My words have no meaning just like my life

No one cares because they’re all caught up in themselves

Caught up in the latest distraction

What’s pulling you away from the moment

New fame

New handbags

A new cat trick on Twitter

The latest gadget to titillate your soul

I can’t even sit still for more than 2 minutes without the need for corn syrup

The culture is breaking and the only way to put a band aid on our souls is to take a step back

Take a jump off of the edge and never come back

Don’t come back unless you’re ready for your brain to feel fried like chicken

Deep fried brains

Like screaming trees desperate for a drop of water

To feel relevant and important

Worthy of a page

A click or a moment of relevance

Before no one cares

Which is right now

This moment



Eddie Cohn

Writer, Podcaster, Musician, DJ & Yoga Teacher — Striving for Less Robots