Tomorrow, All Meals will be Perfect

Eddie Sit
3 min readAug 3, 2019

The robot is upon us. This might sound a little further down the road but in some ways, some might feel like it already happened yesterday. We have robots able to make almost perfect laksa, we also have robot kitchens on the prowl, and it’s hard to not imagine chefs might be one of the sunsetting career paths down the chopping block.

Will chefs be replaced by robots?

Here’s a glimpse of what’s happening tomorrow (or even today in selected parts of the world).

The Scenario

Photo by Ronaldo de Oliveira on Unsplash
  1. Mac-n-cheese ordered in the restaurant, came with a bonus carrot juice.
  2. The same mac-n-cheese ordered the next day, came with a bonus tomato soup sample. The M&C tasted way better than the first time.
  3. Ordered the same mac-n-cheese again, with a small bonus celery salad. You start to wonder if the M&C is actually a Michelin starred item.
  4. By meal number 10, everything on the menu tastes better than mom on steroid after 10 extra years of intensive chef camp in the Four Seasons.

Peek into Tomorrow

Photo by Rock'n Roll Monkey on Unsplash

