D+E Travel: The Beginning

Story by Dana & Eddy Ymeri

Eddy Ymeri
3 min readMay 27, 2017
You can’t tell from the photo, but we planned our wedding on the hottest day in Chicago.

How Did We Get Here

Eddy and I dreamt of returning to Europe, but this time returning together, even before we decided to get married. We set a goal of getting to Europe and staying for a while.

Photography by Anjali Pinto

Since reuniting in Chicago (we dated for a few years in high school/college), our lives have been on a fast track. We met (again), dated, got engaged and married 5 months later on July 23rd, 2016. I graduated from Lewis University with a Master of Nursing in Science in December 2016 and got board certified in April 2017. During the chaos of studying, working, planning, moving apartments, and trying to stay sane- we also were planning our escape. We had to figure out how to leave our lives in Chicago for 3 months and although this was not a great deal of time, it was no easy task. Eddy, on the other hand, was in the middle of doing work for several clients and also starting his own business. He was careful not to commit himself to something long-term. We were also careful to choose temporary housing. In between very busy days, we would get together on our temporary couch and start to plan.

In general, we wanted to put together a diverse itinerary of 3 countries. Spain, because the people are so kind and I was familiar with the area courtesy of my sister who lived in Barcelona for a year; Italy, because Eddy wanted to return and experience the food and culture again; and Croatia, because besides the amazing beaches and it being the hometown to many of Eddy’s friends, Game of Thrones was filmed here. Not really the main reason, but that’s a nice feature.

Pack your bags. We’ve set a hashtag using #travelymeri

