Why You Need To Stop Applauding Greta Thunberg

Edel Kennedy
2 min readOct 1, 2019

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has ignited the debate over our climate crisis in a way that nobody else has.

More than any scientist, politician, or environmental entrepreneur, she has focused the attention of millions on the biggest problem facing our planet and is encouraging people to take action.

She’s being applauded for her achievements — and rightly so.

But if that’s all you’re doing, you need to stop and start doing something instead.

Social media is littered with people reposting videos and photos of the Swedish teen, heralding her impassioned speech to the UN.

But are any of those people actually doing anything to tackle the very crisis that she’s highlighting? Or do they feel they are doing enough by merely clapping her on?

Are you one of those people? Perhaps you think you’re doing your bit by carrying a reusable plastic bag. Or by increasing the amount of plastic you’re recycling.

But the reality is that unless we ALL make a radical change — and I do mean radical — it’s going to be too late.

So I call bullsh*t on the vast majority of people who are applauding Greta. You’re actually insulting her if you’re not taking action and making meaningful changes.

Me? I’m doing the usual (reducing waste, recycling, eliminating fast fashion), but I have also permanently retired my car. I realise that’s not possible for everyone as location means that cars are essential for many, but they are also a luxury and convenience for many more.

So instead of a car, our family now relies on bicycle, public transport, and a rental car when a few days of driving are required. Is it enough? No, but it’s the first of what I plan to be many life changes.

I ask again: instead of applauding, what meaningful action are you going to take?

PS: I’d love if you’d add a comment with your ideas or actions to tackle our climate crisis.



Edel Kennedy

Former chef, journalist and now marketer. Strong views, loosely held.