The Boatload Miracle

Ed Elliott
3 min readJul 28, 2018

In Luke 5: 1–11, where Jesus asks Peter to use his boat, a multitude of people were following Jesus to hear what He had to say. Jesus got into Peter’s boat and pushed off away and then began to share the gospel with them. The water is a natural sound amplifier and allowed all the people on the shore to hear everything Jesus said.

Afterwards, Jesus inquired of Peter whether they had they caught any fish.? Peter said, “We fished all night and have caught nothing.” Jesus instructed him to throw the nets out for a catch. Peter began to reason with the Lord, saying, “we fished all night and caught nothing but never the less as you have said, I will obey.”

Peter’s nets began to fill with fish and were so full they began to break and he called for other boats to come and help him collect all the fish. They caught so many fish even the boats began to sink as they were so loaded down.

What so blesses me about this story, is it shows how Jesus is able to cause supernatural abundance to flow into our lives against all natural logic. In Israel, the lake where Peter was fishing was so crystal clear they only fished at night because the fish could see the nets and avoid them in the daytime. This is why Peter was hesitant at first to drop his nets again because he knew you don’t fish during the day. Yet, he relented and obeyed the instructions of the Lord and was…



Ed Elliott

author, conference speaker itinerate/missionary who travels the world sharing truths about God’s love. Helping people experience God’s love personally.