This is the love of God

Ed Elliott
3 min readMar 3, 2018

by Ed Elliott

For many years, I heard and was taught about the importance of walking in love. I did my best to follow what I believed the Bible taught on this subject but it was a constant struggle. I identified with what Peter must have felt like when he asked the Lord how many times he must forgive his brother if he sins against you. Peter thought seven times in a day was adequate but Jesus took it to a level Peter wasn’t expecting and said, “seven times seventy”, 490 plus times, “in a day” is how you will be required to forgive. I am sure Peter stood stunned and thought no way! He realized that it was not possible. Seven times was a big enough stretch but seven times seventy! Peter was absolutely correct, no one can hold to this standard. What Jesus knew and Peter didn’t, was that when an individual knows who God is, then it is His power that enables us to live the way He desires us to live.

John writes this, “this is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us…1 John 4:10.

Walking in love is all about understanding and believing in the love that God has for you. A principle of the heart is this, as a man thinks in his heart so will he be…Proverbs 23:7. What you believe in your heart will be reflected in your life. If you struggle with believing God has forgiven you, it will be a battle for you to forgive others. If your heart isn’t…



Ed Elliott

author, conference speaker itinerate/missionary who travels the world sharing truths about God’s love. Helping people experience God’s love personally.