The Shield of the Pseudonym

Eden Hodge
3 min readMar 23, 2018


Your online identity and normal identity is only separated by the interactions you make in the online world. On a normal day I’m Eden, an average University student trying to get through my course. Yet whenever I’m online, I can be who ever or want ever I want. Through the use of a pseudonym I’ve become anonymous online and I have the freedom to portray myself the way I want. Being anonymous allows you act without having your actions reflect on your self in the real world. This has its positives and negatives, as it provides protection for yourself and other users, yet is also a facet of cyber bullying and online trolling.

The ability to conceal who you are online can provide a space for those who want to abuse others with little to no repercussions (see here). In the online world you can present your view points or work to anyone around the globe who wants to see it, yet it opens you up to criticism and possible abuse that would you may not have received under this new spotlight. Many platforms have taken steps to make it difficult for anonymous users to hate on creators with countermeasures like, forcing users to make an account or complete surveys about the article (see here). This allows for a person to speak their mind online without the worry that someone could track them down, like the multiple cases of ‘swatting’ with streamers and in this case, a random gamer. With events like this occurring it is an incentive for most users to use anonymous accounts, solely for their protection.

Online anonymity provides a certain degree of safety for users as your pseudonym is detached from any of your personal details (see here). Users are enabled to be free to move through the online world unjudged by others because of their anonymity. You can watch and comment on videos, or express support for causes or controversial people without receiving judgement from those around you in the real world (see here). This freedom to do what you want online without judgement gives a feeling of security, emphasised through the feeling of not having to constantly look over your shoulder. Whilst this is comforting for some, it can be used negatively by those cowardly enough to attack others from the safety of this shield.

I believe that your anonymity in the online world is important, as it is part of your identity through the choices of your online persona. Despite the negatives that come with it, the ability for free speech on any platform that does not have to relate to the offline world is such an important tool for feedback and criticism. People will always abuse and troll, but what you make out of your pseudonym is entirely up to you, as shaping a new identity for yourself is entirely possible. The point of this shield is to have your own independence and freedom of speech, so you aren’t limited by what you can do online or offline.


Griffin, A. (2017). News Site Makes Readers Answer Questions To Prove They Understand Story Before Posting Comments. [online] The Independent. Available at:

Griffith, E. (2018). How to Stay Anonymous Online. [online] pcmag. Available at:

Reality, A. (2018). The Problem of Anonymity. [online] Available at:

Stewart, E. (2018). Gamer who made “swatting” call over video game dispute now facing manslaughter charges. [online] Vox. Available at:

Tait, A. (2018). Why are YouTube comments the worst on the internet?. [online] Available at:



Eden Hodge

Tech Wizard. First Year BA Cyber Security & Behaviour. Member of LLWW. Loves Zefron the most.