Important update about EDEX airdrop

3 min readNov 4, 2017


Hello community,

As all of you already know that we’ll give a pause to our 3rd airdrop round (more details information will be found in our 2nd November update )

Most likely we’ll continue airdrop from mid December or early January next year.

Now there is an important update regarding our erc20 token DEX.


There is another token already listed on Etherdelta with the same token symbol ‘DEX’ , and that makes some confusion for few of our members as we still not officially listed on Etherdelta. Please make sure that our token name is EDEX and token symbol is DEX.

Our DEX Contract Address: 0xa090e882f82e5080ecd083134feadcb7c965030f

Decimals: 8 with Total Fixed Supply: 21,000,000 DEX

you need to manually add our contract details on Etherdelta for trade,or simply visit this link

The current ‘DEX’ on Etherdelta is ‘Dexer’ with the same token symbol.

Check Dexer Contract Details

About new EDEX contract

As per our roadmap you already know that there will be a 1:1 token swap during the beta testing phase,we’ll swap from our old contract to new. we’ll re-brand from DEX to EDEX before 3rd airdrop that is scheduled on mid Dec or early Jan 2018.We already deployed our new contract because i need to confirm everything on our whitepaper about our project,brand,name,etc etc. White paper will be released on 8th November 2018 that will contain every critical information about our project.

Why early deploy of new contract?

We already distributed over 3.5 million token during the 1st & 2nd round (more details information will be found in our 2nd November update )

now we have enough time before the 3rd airdrop and i am thinking for an off chain token swap without the tokens that are in circulation+bounty+reserved for the donor Adivisor team etc.

Token left for the Airdrop

Currently 10,636,000 DEX are left in our airdrop address that will only be distributed in round 3(or people who still waiting for round 2 airdrop)

we’ll swap this amount of token first,so that we can distribute the fresh token from 3rd round (probably last)

Token left for bounty+investors/donor,team:

Currently 6,822,000 DEX are left in the bounty+reserve pot that will not be swaped immediately (because we’ll continue our private sell to investors +bounty program for the supporters,for the donor)

Swap or burn?

Actually we’re going to burn our remaining DEX token for the 3rd airdrop and will issue exactly the same amount of another token.

Check New Contract Details

What will we do with the old contract?

This is our main contract and we only burn the airdrop amount until we announce token swap (scheduled during beta)


Its very simple,

we’ll do 1:1 swap after 2 or more months but we created the new contract earlier (for brand name and symbol and error free whitepaper)

You can’t get the new ERC20 token until the 3rd airdrop (only current donor/investors will get the fresh token earlier)

As we said EDEX is fully transparent we’ll burn all remaining airdrop token (after giving you a chance to claim your round 2 airdrop token ),we’ll issue exactly same amount of new token with our original token symbol EDEX.

Read everything about the new erc20 token HERE

Remember, do not worry about old DEX as this is the only token that are currently tradeble,accessible,payable as bounty. Our new erc20 token has no value until we officially call for a token swap,100% tokens are currently stored in our donation address and only i have the access to that wallet.

This is an urgent decision that needed to be execute before the white paper release.We want to make our mission and roadmap very clear.

