Leadership in the era of AI: Imagine a robot holding the next team meeting

Edgar Ehlers
7 min readAug 24, 2023


Yes, you read that right. But don’t worry, the next meeting probably won’t be led by a robot with blinking eyes and a metallic voice. Instead, we’re in the middle of a debate: Will artificial intelligence (AI) replace human leaders? Or will it simply fetch the coffee?

1. human qualities: emotional intelligence or robotic breakdowns?

Imagine you walk into the office and your robot boss tells you, “My sensors detect a 76.8% probability that you’re in a bad mood today. Do you need a pick-me-up?” Sound surreal? That’s exactly what we’re trying to make clear.

No matter how advanced AI becomes, there are certain human traits that a robot is likely to miss. Empathy, for example. While robots can analyze data and recognize patterns, they lack intuitive understanding of human emotions. They may know how many times you rolled your eyes today, but they can’t understand why. Maybe it was the bad coffee, maybe it was the boring presentation, or maybe it was just Monday.

Human leaders have the ability to understand cultural nuances and the subtle undertone in an employee’s voice. They can tell the difference between a bad day and a deeper problem. Just imagine your robot boss saying, “My data shows you yawned 34 times in the last three meetings. Analysis: you find me boring.” Not exactly the most motivating boss, is it?

2. complementary roles: Robot as assistant, not boss

It’s not that robots and AI have no place in the corporate world. On the contrary. They can help us with a lot of things. But instead of vacating the big boss chair for them, perhaps we could put them in the role of the best assistant imaginable.

AI can analyze incredible amounts of data in seconds and help us make informed decisions. But let’s be honest, they do this without a shred of creativity or innovation. Their decisions are based on what they know, not what could be.

Human leaders, on the other hand, have the gift of imagination. They can take risks, have dreams and come up with innovative solutions. A robot can tell you it’s going to rain, but a human can make the rain dance.

3. ethics and responsibility: would a robot steal an apple?

Fine, robots don’t eat apples. But let’s go with it. Let’s say a robot is given the task of getting the healthiest snack. It analyzes all the data and determines that a fresh apple would be best. But all the apple trees are fenced off. So would he climb over the fence and steal one? Or would it stand still, perplexed, contradicting the data?

When an AI makes a decision, who takes responsibility? Imagine the robot decides to steal the apple, and you get caught helping it escape. Would you say in court, “It was the robot!”? It’s sure to be an entertaining conversation with the judge!

While this apple scenario is humorous, it shows a real problem. In the real world, decisions made by AI can have serious consequences. So who is responsible? The person who programmed the AI? The user? The robot itself?

4. Changing leadership roles: from boss to robot therapist.

Imagine that your main job as a leader was to check on your robot’s emotional state. “How are you feeling today, Robo-Bob?” — “I received an update this morning and it’s taking me a little while to get used to it.”

As AI becomes more complex, the role of managers will certainly not be to provide emotional support for machines. But there will be a shift from routine tasks to strategic thinking, team building, culture maintenance and innovation. You might spend less time analyzing data and more time leading creative brainstorming sessions or discussing the ethical implications of new technologies.

5. education and advancement: are robots learning to write poetry?

There’s this rumor that robots are being sent to schools and universities to further their education. Not really. But imagine this. A robot wondering what Shakespeare meant when he wrote, “To be or not to be.” Or trying to decipher the concept of love in a poem by Rilke. Funny, isn’t it?

But back to the topic at hand. While robots may not write poetry, education and advancement is critical in the age of AI. Why? Because AI and digitization are transforming jobs and industries. It’s not enough to know how to operate a robot or AI. You have to know how to work with them, how to integrate them, and how to make sure they don’t accidentally flood the entire office with coffee (a nightmare for any coffee lover).

As a leader of tomorrow (or today, if you’ve already been diligently moving up), it’s your job to make sure your team is ready for this new era. And that means investing in education and development. It’s not enough to just know how to turn on a computer. You have to understand how the technology works, what its implications are, and how to best use it.

But, and here’s the kicker, it’s not just about technical skills. It’s also about thinking critically, being creative, thinking ethically, and yes, maybe appreciating a little poetry. Because while robots are great at logic and data analysis, they’re not so great at appreciating the beauty of a sunset or understanding the subtleties of human emotion.


So don’t worry about a robot taking your executive job anytime soon. Unless, of course, your job consists of monotonously analyzing data and whistling the same song all day. In which case. maybe. But for those of us who value the human touch in our leadership, creativity, empathy and the ability to think outside the box, the future looks bright.
So, to all the aspiring leaders out there: invest in your human skills, keep learning, and don’t forget to laugh. Because as we all know, robots don’t have a sense of humor. At least not yet.
Even as AI gets smarter, it will never be able to replace the complex, messy and sometimes contradictory aspects of human nature. Leadership in the era of AI will not be less human; it will just be different. There will still be room for bad decisions, heart, and humor — the things that make us human.
So, dear leader of tomorrow, as you ponder whether robots will ever learn to tell a joke or steal an apple, remember: the future may be uncertain, but it’s also exciting. And hey, if all else fails, you can always teach robots how to make the perfect coffee!
In a world where robots and AI are becoming more and more present, it’s easy to think that anything technical and data-oriented takes precedence. But the truth is that the “soft” skills, the skills that make us human, are just as important, if not more so.

Checklist: How NOT to become obsolete as a leader in the era of AI (and get a few laughs at the same time!).

Hey you, future robot boss! Before you ask your AI to make you a to-do list (which it will probably do in 0.002 seconds), here’s a hand-crafted, human-imagined checklist for you. If you follow it, you’ll not only stay relevant in the era of AI, but you’ll also work out some abs from laughing. Let’s go!

1. Appreciate human qualities: Yes, even though robots can make coffee, they don’t know how you like it. Practice empathy, humor, and intuition. These are things that an AI can’t (yet) duplicate.

2. Discover complementary roles: let the AI do the monotonous data analysis and focus on interpreting the results. Who said you don’t have superpowers?

3. attend ethics classes: Because “The robot did it!” is not a valid argument in court.

4. redefine yourself: Think about what tasks a robot could do on your team. Then do just the opposite.

5. read poetry: Yes, really! Because no robot will ever understand the feel of autumn leaves under your feet or the beauty of a sunset. Or why pizza is the best food.

6. Invest in education: The future may be uncertain, but with a little education, you can make sure you’re not the one asking, “What’s an AI?”

7. Develop soft skills: Technical skills are great, but emotional intelligence, teamwork, and communication are what will set you apart from an overgrown calculator.

8. flirt with AI: No, not literally! But understand her strengths and weaknesses. She could be your best employee if you use her right.

9. evolve: Attend classes, workshops and lectures. The future doesn’t wait!

10. have coffee with robots: find out what makes them tick (literally). But don’t try to offer them a latte macchiato.

11. brainstorm: use AI for data, but rely on human brains for creativity. Who ever heard of a robot painting a masterpiece?

12. make human decisions: When it comes to ethical dilemmas and complex decisions, take charge. Robots can analyze data, but you can feel the heart and soul of a decision.

13. networking: network with other leaders. Because the last thing you want is to be the only person in a room full of robots.

14. constantly question your role: in an ever-changing world, adaptability is key.

15. laugh: because no AI in the world can understand or produce the value of a good laugh.

16. and last but not least, stay human: no matter how advanced technology becomes, nothing can replace the magic, chaos and beauty of being human.

There you have it, the ultimate checklist to excel as a leader in the AI era! So, grab your robot buddy, make a cup of coffee (for you, not him) and get to work. The future awaits you… and it has a sense of humor!

