Understanding Symmetric Cryptography: The Basics Explained

Edgar Josue Martinez Lopez
3 min readFeb 20, 2023

In the modern era of digital communication, safeguarding data is of utmost importance. Cryptography is a crucial tool in ensuring the protection of sensitive information. Among the different techniques used to encrypt data, symmetric cryptography is highly popular. This article will delve into the fundamentals of symmetric cryptography, including its meaning, functionality, and typical applications.

Taking into consideration the paper made by Shallal & Bokhari (2016) Symmetric cryptosystems use the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt data between both the sender and recipient. The process involves transforming the original plaintext into ciphertext using the secret key. The recipient can then use the same key to reverse the process and convert the ciphertext back into plaintext.

Symmetric Cryptography Encryption Process

There are two types of symmetric key algorithms: stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers encrypt data one bit at a time, while block ciphers encrypt data in set-sized blocks. This approach transforms plaintext into ciphertext. Popular symmetric cryptography algorithms include AES, DES, Blowfish, and RC5.

According to Shallal & Bokhari (2016) investigation, the 5 components of symmetric cryptography key are:

  1. Plaintext: This refers to the original data that the sender intends to send to a particular recipient. This information will serve as the input for the encryption algorithm.
  2. Encryption algorithm: This is a series of procedures that are used to convert the plaintext into ciphertext with the assistance of a secret key.
  3. Secret key: This value is employed to combine with the plaintext to transform it into ciphertext. The secret key is independent of the plaintext.
  4. Ciphertext: The ciphertext is the resulting output of the original plaintext that is put through the encryption algorithm. It will be vastly different from the plaintext.
  5. Decryption algorithm: This is a series of procedures that are used to convert the ciphertext back to the original plaintext with the help of the secret key.

Symmetric cryptography has various applications and is used for a wide range of purposes. Some of the most common ones include:

Secure communication: Symmetric cryptography plays a vital role in safeguarding communication between two parties. This is particularly important for email, messaging, and online transactions.

Data encryption: Symmetric cryptography is utilized to encrypt data stored on a device or transferred over a network to prevent any unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Password protection: Symmetric cryptography is also used to encrypt passwords, adding an additional layer of security and making them less vulnerable to attacks.

But as anything in the world theres ups and downs regarding everything, there are too for symmetric cryptography, theres advantages and disadvantages worth mentioning to see if this best suits your case-scenario.


Fast and efficient: Symmetric cryptography is fast and efficient because it uses a single key for both encryption and decryption.

Strong encryption: Symmetric cryptography provides strong encryption, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to access sensitive information.


Key management: Symmetric cryptography requires the sender and receiver to share the same key, which can be difficult to manage and secure.

Lack of scalability: Symmetric cryptography is not suitable for large-scale applications, as key management becomes more challenging with a large number of users.

To sum it up, symmetric cryptography is a vital aspect of ensuring data security in today’s world. Its strong encryption and speedy decryption capabilities make it a popular method for safeguarding communication and data. As technology advances and security threats become more sophisticated, and we are yet to see if symmetric cryptography will remain crucial in protecting sensitive information.


Shallal, Qahtan & Bokhari, Mohammad. (2016). A Review on Symmetric Key Encryption Techniques in Cryptography. International Journal of Computer Applications. 43.

