Navigating the Future of Customer Success profession: Key trends for 2023

Edge Cruz
4 min readDec 28, 2022


As we approach the end of another year, now is a great time to take a look at what the future holds for the success industry and how companies can position themselves for success. In the following, we’ll delve into some of the key trends I see that are likely to shape (and are already shaping) the field in the coming years and provide practical tips on how businesses can stay ahead of the curve.

Artificial intelligence

One trend that’s already well underway is the growing use of artificial intelligence and automation in customer success. From chatbots to account management software, these technologies are helping businesses streamline their processes and provide better service to their customers. And as AI continues to advance (Hello, ChatGPT), we can expect to see even more widespread adoption of these technologies in the success space.

But while technology can certainly help improve efficiency and accuracy, it’s essential to remember that personalization and empathy will always be crucial for the job we do. Even as AI and automation take on more tasks, businesses will still need to find ways to build strong, personal relationships with their customers. This will require a balance between leveraging technology and maintaining a human touch.

Success Role Evolution

In terms of the evolution of success roles, it’s clear that professionals in this field will need to be adaptable and skilled in a variety of areas. From data analysis and problem-solving to excellent communication skills, success professionals will need to be well-rounded to succeed in an increasingly complex and competitive landscape. It’s also quite possible that we’ll see success roles expand to include more strategic and consultative responsibilities as businesses look for ways to retain and grow their customer base.

Recent years made it obvious that the roles within Customer Success may well be indicative of the overall trends that are happening across all industries and it will continue to do so in 2023:

Key areas I have noted:

  1. Emphasis on a personal customer experience: Companies increasingly recognize the importance of the overall customer experience, not just the resolution of specific issues. This includes everything from the initial purchase process to ongoing support and engagement with the brand. This includes shared and live experiences being introduced along the customer journey.
  2. Use of data and analytics in planning and implementation with focus on behaviours: Customer success teams are increasingly using data and analytics to understand customer needs and preferences, identify trends and patterns, and measure the effectiveness of their efforts on a behavioural level and not just demographics.
  3. Company-wide shared responsibility: Customer success is often closely connected with other functions such as sales, marketing, and product development. Companies that can effectively integrate customer success with these functions and align their goals will be better positioned to deliver a seamless customer experience.
  4. Remote and hybrid work: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote and hybrid work, and this is likely to continue in the coming years. Customer success teams will need to adapt to this new way of working and find effective ways to communicate and collaborate with customers and colleagues remotely.
  5. Emphasis on upselling and cross-selling: Customer success teams can play a key role in helping companies increase revenue through upselling and cross-selling efforts and not only retention and renewal. This may involve identifying opportunities to sell additional products or services to existing customers, or finding ways to cross-promote related products or services through personalized analysis of user experience.
  6. Success professionals being content creators: As personal branding becomes increasingly important, success persons are expected to take on the roles of brand ambassadors and content creators. This trend can be observed on social media platforms like LinkedIn and TikTok, where employees are using their personal brands to create a more human connection with customers and audiences. This requirement will perhaps slowly seep through hiring qualifications, wherein the role of employees in shaping a company’s public image and brand will become even more significant.

So, how can businesses stay ahead of the curve in the world of customer success? One key strategy is to invest in continuous learning and development for success professionals. This can include training in emerging technologies, as well as soft skills such as communication and problem-solving. It’s also important to stay attuned to industry trends and best practices and to be willing to adapt and pivot as needed.

As I think about the future of customer success, I’m struck by the potential for technology and personalization to intersect in powerful ways. As a customer success professional, I understand the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest trends and being open to adapting to new roles and responsibilities as AI and automation continue to advance, but at the same time, I know that it’s the human element — building strong relationships with customers and truly understanding their needs and desires — that will ultimately drive success — One that can never be truly replicated by any advanced technologies.



Edge Cruz

Success Professional. Travel junkie. I write sometimes.