Become Flutter Developers

Edi Kurniawan
2 min readAug 24, 2018

Start from experience work in Offie and also have a lot of project or product should we delivery by short timeline, Hmmm…. If Big Company maybe they have many developers and many department like Backend Developers, Frontend Developers, Database Administratos, System Administrators, Mobile Developers (Android and IOS), how about Startup company? and only have 12 Employee included BOD, example we count developers members only 8 Developers.

Ooppss, Let me introduce my self, Hello guy’s My name is Edi Kurniawan, This year (2018) my position become Chief Technology Officer on PT. Whita Aplikasi Nusantara and I’m Associate Android Developer Google because selected from Sholarship Udacity from event Indonesia Android Kejar.

In our company have plan many product and also have project, there’s project really short timeline and mobile apps, May 2018 Google lunch event is name “Google I/O 2018”, We review and watching from Live Streaming in Jakarta Google I/O Extended, found some technology they called “Flutter”, This is not the latest product because Flutter has been publish Beta version in 2017.

Hmm, interesting because this technology able to create cross platform on mobile for Android and IOS with new language from Google also is “Dart”, I try to learn this technology from widget, structure, pattern, package, etc. Looking some of community flutter and reference video in Youtube Platform.

Awesome, after learn this technology and little bit knowledge concept in Flutter we create some of project and product with Flutter SDK Framework, and also not only handle in project and product our company, we do share knowledge to community developers and try more and more sharing to each other about this technology.

Flutter Study Jam in KIBAR Jakarta, 19–20 Augusts 2018

This is only introduction my stories, for the next I’ll share more detail about flutter like how we can create application more than fast and easy to maintain.

“Why must life be so hard?”

This is our application community “Cybereye Community” we have done develop with Flutter SDK Framework

