Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

CI-CD - Pipline - Grundlagen

5 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

GF - Unternehmen - Tipps u. Tricks

2030 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

SetUp - Entwicklungsumgebung - erstellen

1598 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

GitHube - GitHube Copilot - Tipps u. Tricks

88 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

JavaScript - Best_Practis

761 stories

A single puzzle piece fitting into a larger puzzle, symbolizing design patterns in JavaScript.
Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

React.js - Next.js - Grundlagen

65 stories

Improving Next.js App Performance: Techniques to Use Blurhash
A Web Developer’s Guide to Working with Designers
Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

Webseite in 2024

82 stories

Improving Next.js App Performance: Techniques to Use Blurhash
A man with an orange sweat shirt riding a blue elephant with books on the floor and a barrel with the name “ORM” written on it. A few speech bubbles with emojis are flying on top of the man and the elephant
Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

Docker - Tipps u. Tricks

75 stories

Improving Next.js App Performance: Techniques to Use Blurhash
Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

Web - Entwicklung - Geschichte

422 stories

PHP web development services
Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

PHP im 2024 und in der Zukuft

186 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

PHP - kompl. Projekte

155 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

PHP - Best Practices

510 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

PHP - Webanwendungen

1366 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

Docker - Ubuntu install

65 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda


278 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

PHP - Preformance - Webseiten

129 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

PHP - Tests - Tipps_zum_durchfüchren

221 stories

Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

React.js - Tipps u. Tricks

287 stories

Improving Next.js App Performance: Techniques to Use Blurhash
A Web Developer’s Guide to Working with Designers
Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda


121 stories

An Image showing how API is built and how it interacts in the web. Image Credits:
Marian Smuda

Marian Smuda

MySQL - Datenbanken - Tipps und Tricks

89 stories

An Image showing how API is built and how it interacts in the web. Image Credits:
A man with an orange sweat shirt riding a blue elephant with books on the floor and a barrel with the name “ORM” written on it. A few speech bubbles with emojis are flying on top of the man and the elephant