You Should Let Go Before It’s Late

Eddie Levi
3 min readMar 16, 2021


Inspired by You

Do you still remember a part of your life with tears in your eyes? Do you still feel like hurting the person who hurt you? The chances are that you have not let go of that part.

You might argue tooth and nail that you have let go but you just need more time. The truth is that you haven’t. Letting go of that event or series of event that caused you pain goes beyond forgiving the person that hurt you. It goes beyond lying to yourself that you are fine. It is breaking the hold that the pain of those events or the person has on you. Letting go is not only important to your mental health, but also instrumental to your growth.

This person or series of events will continue to control your life if you don’t stop holding to them. For instance, you were once in a toxic relationship and you held on to the ills of that relationship. It will be hard to be happy in a new one. Or maybe you had accident while working. If you don’t let go of that accident, you might never work well again. Therapy can help you but unless you let go of the trauma, you won’t be able move forward or move from it.

I know you might say, “But Eddie, s/he hurt me. S/he is a monster.” S/he might be a monster but if you keep holding on to the pain, you will keep hurting. Holding on to the past is detrimental to your health. You won’t grow. The past will affect your romantic and non-romantic relationships.

You will keep hating and blaming yourself. Your dreams and aspirations will suffer greatly. And worst of all, you will be extremely sad, no matter how hard you tried to be happy.

You want to let go of the past, you have to start by forgiving yourself. Most of the time, why we hold on to the past, is that we blame ourselves for what happened. Even though, it is clearly not our fault. Forgive yourself and then forgive the person or persons who hurt you. This forgiveness has to be complete and encompassing.

When you completely forgive, you can now make a conscious effort to let go. Let go of the hurts, the events and the feelings that person and/or events caused you. When you completely let go, you will feel lighter and free.

Letting go of the past is not easy. It is not a day’s job or even a month’s job. It takes perseverance, time and energy. However when you do, you will feel new. You will no longer feel alone or prone to hurt. You will start to love yourself again and more importantly, you can move forward.

You can see a therapist if you are dealing with a trauma or if you can’t do it alone but try to let go.

Letting go will boost your mental health and you will live a healthier lifestyle.



Eddie Levi

A writer, Mental Health Advocate, Author. I love to create stories that touches the soul