An Inspiring Story to Celebrate National Walking Day!

Edison Nation
5 min readApr 4, 2018


Wednesday, April 4, 2018, is National Walking Day.

In 2007, the American Heart Association started this day to remind people about the health benefits of taking a walk.

How can you participate? Wear your sneakers (or take them with you), and at some point in the day, take a 30-minute walk. Use the #NationalWalkingDay to post on social media and to learn more, visit

At Edison Nation, in addition to taking a walk today, we’re highlighting a very special story…

Throughout the year, Edison Nation partners with a variety of different companies who are searching for new innovations — these partnerships result in sponsored searches. These searches are often the result of many conversations over long periods of time with potential partners outlining our process, our community and how we can help bring them innovation beyond their four walls.

That being said, you may have seen our newest sponsored innovation search with Pampered Chef. Scott Dromms started the conversation with Bill Bucklew, Vice President of Product Development at Pampered Chef, over a year ago. Always on the hunt for new products, Bill expressed interest in working together but told Scott the search would likely be on hold until 2018. The reason why is because Bill had a “little” walk of his own to complete first…

Bill’s Story:

Bill was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s disease in 2012, at age 43, however, symptoms started long before and went improperly diagnosed for seven years. Determined to find a cure for the disease, to inspire those affected by it and help educate those who aren’t, Bill walked across our country from November 24th, 2017, to January 31, 2018. During his walk, he promoted awareness of Parkinson’s disease and talked with people about their experiences with the disease.

The walk embodied his mission to connect, help and collaborate with people to raise money and awareness for Parkinson’s disease research. Bill’s ultimate goal is to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease.

“More” for me is finding a cure for Parkinson’s and helping those affected by the disease live better. This isn’t just a story about Parkinson’s disease, but how a singular act of intense purpose can lead to an amazing kaleidoscope of altruism and humanity so surprising and touching that it has to be told.

On Wednesday, January 31st, 2018, Bill Bucklew and over 50 friends, family, Parkinson’s patients and supporters walked in unity from Veteran’s Park in San Diego, to the Imperial Beach Pier, in celebration of Bill’s last mile across America. Over 20,000 people logged in crashing the website for his organization Uncorked Adventures NFP.

Bill began his cross-country journey across America, starting on Tybee Island, Ga., on November 24, 2017. In just 67 days, Bill walked 2,594 miles averaging 1.5 marathons per day without a break or day off. He walked across the country through tumultuous terrain, variant climate changes, animal encounters and unexpected road conditions.

He met 100’s of people with Parkinson’s disease, caregivers of Parkinson’s disease patients, people inspired by the cause and connected with them through Uncorked Adventures NFP and Facebook Page.

Bill and his Foundation have received over 450 individual donations and raised over $120,000 for Team Fox, a grassroots community fundraising program that is part of The Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Walk Across America Facts:

  • Eight states crossed: Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California
  • Total Miles: 2,594
  • Total Shoes: 26 Pairs
  • Total # of Blisters: More than pairs of shoes….


  • Lost 41 pounds
  • Loves his beard, but Heidi (Bill’s wife) does not
  • Connected with over 160 people for the first time, some traveling 1,000s of miles to meet him
  • Received donations of meals, hotel rooms, clothes and monetary donations as people met him on his journey
  • Walked an average of 1.5 marathons each day
  • Wore down 3 sets of trek poles
  • May have walked from coast to coast faster than anyone
  • Found two wallets and gave them to the police, then when his neighbor lost Bill’s wallet in Arizona, it was returned four days later.
  • Was advised not to attempt to do the walk by his coach and staff, who quit on him over concern for his ability to complete the walk
  • Drank 65 chocolate milks (nutritionist approved)
  • Ate a typical breakfast including: 2 large waffles, 4 yogurts and 2 glasses of orange juice
  • Spent 134 hours (almost 2 hours each day) bandaging his feet
  • Was featured in over 30 different television and media publications

Bill endured…

  • 35–50 MPH winds and a flying mailbox in a dust storm
  • Frost bite in Texas
  • 16 attacks by dogs
  • Bumping into a bear
  • 15 hour rain storms in Texas

Bill walked through…

  • Massive blisters
  • Achilles tendon issues
  • A stress fracture
  • Acute back problems
  • Foot infections
  • Major leg swelling

Bill’s guilty pleasures: Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Snickers ice cream bars, Peanut m&m’s, Pop Tarts and listening to the Bee Gee’s.

And let us not forget…

Bill’s favorite Pampered Chef product:The Popcorn Maker! Great for a quick snack!

What better way to tie in #NationalWalkingDay to our partnership with Pampered Chef!

Edison Nation is truly honored to be working with Bill, and hope his story has inspired you not only submit your idea to the Pampered Chef search, but also to get out and take a walk!

We’re here to give your idea its best chance at success!

Share and submit safely and securely!



Edison Nation

Have you ever thought, ‘wouldn’t it be cool if…?’ We exist to get product ideas out of your head and onto store shelves, all at no risk to you.