Edison Nation ASOTV is looking for your health & beauty inventions for TV

Edison Nation
3 min readJan 5, 2016


Health & Beauty is one of the top-selling categories in the ASOTV industry with many items achieving millions of units sold. Have you heard of the Ped Egg? Thought so. Think about it: the Ped Egg solves the ASOTV puzzle. The features and benefits are clear (buh bye callouses!), the product has mass appeal (all feet — whether male or female, old or young, sporty and non sporty — could benefit from a sole touch up), and it’s unique! Aside from a pumice stone, when have you seen an invention smooth away rough, cracking heels like the Ped Egg?

The Edison Nation ASOTV team is now looking for your smart, simple solutions to everyday challenges in the Health & Beauty category.

Within this broad product category of health and beauty, you’ll find massage, skin care, nail care, foot care, hair trimming and/or independent or assisted living innovations. What’s the new, next best thing within this category? The next Ped Egg or Naked Nails?

Keep in mind these three points when submitting your ASOTV invention:

  • Can your product’s benefits be effectively demonstrated on TV?
  • Does your product have mass appeal?
  • Is your invention idea unique or novel?

The ASOTV team will be meeting on January 28 to review select TV-ready ideas. If you’d like to have your idea evaluated ahead of this meeting, be sure to submit before January 21. Can’t meet this timeline? No worries. This search ends on February 29, and all ideas will be reviewed for their ASOTV potential.


We ask for well-communicated ideas. This includes filling out our easy-to-use submission form to the best of your ability. Upload images, sketches and any other media that support your idea. Tell us why your idea is better than anything else on the market. We even encourage you to create a video demonstrating your innovation. Don’t worry. We aren’t expecting a big-budget production. Please keep videos to less than 2 minutes.

As always, your submission should be unique and protectable (we love to see patented ideas but that certainly isn’t required). Each idea costs just $25 ($20 for Edison Insiders) to submit.

Edison Nation will accept and review your:

Do you have a Health & Beauty idea for the ASOTV team?

Have you ever thought, “wouldn’t it be cool if…”?

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We exist to get product ideas out of your head and onto retail shelves, all at no risk to you.

Originally published at Edison Nation Blog.



Edison Nation

Have you ever thought, ‘wouldn’t it be cool if…?’ We exist to get product ideas out of your head and onto store shelves, all at no risk to you.