How to Humanize AI

Paul S.
4 min readMay 22, 2024


The experts at Editly have mastered the art of humanizing AI text. In the series, “How to Humanize AI Text,” they tap into their vast experience to provide insight into how to humanize AI. In this post, we take on a question that lies at the heart of our profession — “How to humanize AI?”.

ChatGPT Text Response to “How to Humanize AI?”

Humanizing AI-generated text involves enhancing its readability, relatability, and naturalness so that it resembles human writing more closely. This can be particularly important in applications like customer service, content creation, and interactive entertainment. Here are some strategies to make AI text sound more human:

1. Use Natural Language

  • Conversational Tone: Adopt a conversational and friendly tone to make the text feel more accessible and engaging. Use contractions, colloquial expressions, and informal language where appropriate.
  • Varied Vocabulary: Incorporate a diverse vocabulary and avoid repeating the same words too frequently to mimic the natural variation in human speech.

2. Incorporate Personal Touches

  • Personal Pronouns: Use first-person (“I”, “we”) and second-person (“you”) pronouns to create a direct connection with the reader.
  • Anecdotes and Examples: Add personal anecdotes or hypothetical scenarios to illustrate points more vividly, making the content relatable and engaging.

3. Emulate Emotional Intelligence

  • Empathy: Show understanding and empathy in responses, especially in customer service texts, by acknowledging the reader’s feelings and viewpoints.
  • Tone Matching: Adjust the tone based on the context or the emotional content of the input received, which helps in maintaining an appropriate and sensitive conversation.

4. Improve Readability and Flow

  • Sentence Variation: Mix short and long sentences to avoid monotony and create a more dynamic rhythm, similar to natural human writing.
  • Active Voice: Prefer active voice over passive voice to make sentences clearer and more direct, which is often how people speak and write.

5. Contextual Understanding

  • Context Awareness: Make sure the AI understands and retains context over the course of a conversation or document, which helps in maintaining coherent and logical responses.
  • Relevance: Ensure that responses are not only grammatically correct but also relevant and meaningful in the given context.

6. Cultural and Social Sensitivity

  • Cultural References: Use cultural references carefully and appropriately to connect better with users from different backgrounds.
  • Inclusivity: Use language that is inclusive and respectful of all readers, avoiding stereotypes or biases.

7. Edit and Proofread

  • Human Review: Have humans review AI-generated text to catch nuances or errors that the AI might not recognize. This helps in refining the content further.
  • Continuous Learning: Incorporate feedback from these reviews back into the AI’s learning model to improve future outputs.

8. Simulate Human Inconsistencies

  • Imperfections: Occasionally include minor imperfections such as colloquialisms or rhetorical questions, which can make the text appear more natural and less machine-like.

9. Feedback Mechanism

  • User Feedback: Provide users with an option to give feedback on AI communications. Use this feedback to continually refine and adjust the AI’s language models.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the human-like quality of AI-generated text, making it more pleasant and engaging for readers, and ensuring that it meets the desired standards of interaction in various applications. (453 words)

Human Rewrite of the ChatGPT Text

Humanizing AI-generated text involves enhancing its readability, relatability, and naturalness. This can be particularly important in customer service, content creation, and interactive entertainment. Here are some strategies to make AI text sound more human:

1. Use Natural Language

  • Conversational Tone: Adopt a conversational tone to make the text more accessible and engaging. Consider utilizing contractions, colloquial expressions, and informal language.
  • Varied Vocabulary: Incorporate a diverse vocabulary and avoid repeating the same words.

2. Incorporate Personal Touches

  • Personal Pronouns: Use first-person (“I”, “we”) and second-person (“you”) pronouns to create a direct connection with readers.
  • Anecdotes and Examples: Add personal anecdotes or hypothetical scenarios to illustrate points to make the content relatable and engaging.

3. Emulate Emotional Intelligence

  • Empathy: Show understanding and empathy in responses.
  • Tone Matching: Adjust the tone based on context.

4. Improve Readability and Flow

  • Sentence Variation: Mix short and long sentences to avoid monotony and create a more dynamic rhythm.
  • Active Voice: Prefer active voice to make sentences clearer and more direct.

5. Contextual Understanding

  • Context Awareness: To maintain coherence, make sure the AI understands and retains context over the course of a conversation or document.
  • Relevance: Ensure that responses are grammatically correct and relevant to the given context.

6. Cultural and Social Sensitivity

  • Cultural References: Use cultural references to connect better with users from different backgrounds.
  • Inclusivity: Use language that is inclusive and respectful of all readers.

7. Edit and Proofread

  • Human Review: Have humans review AI-generated text to catch nuances or errors that the AI might not recognize.
  • Continuous Learning: Incorporate feedback from these reviews to improve future work.

8. Simulate Human Inconsistencies

  • Imperfections: Occasionally include minor imperfections such as colloquialisms or rhetorical questions.

9. Feedback Mechanism

  • User Feedback: Employ user feedback to continually refine and adjust the AI’s language models.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance the human-like quality of AI-generated text to make it more pleasant and engaging for readers. (317 words)

The AI Text vs the Humanized Text

Famed philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once remarked that “To use many words to communicate a few thoughts is everywhere the unmistakable sign of mediocrity.” In addition to revealing its training towards the mediocre middle, ChatGPT also proves this insight true. In fact, the ChatGPT response to our question — “How to humanize AI?” — utilized a whopping 430 words to express its few key ideas.

Conversely, the humanized AI is only 329 words — or more than 30% shorter than the AI text. We achieved this reduction by targeting unnecessary repetition and redundancy. Or, in other words, by communicating a few thoughts in only a few words.

The Takeaway

You, too, can practice the above skills and become proficient at humanizing AI texts. But, if you would like an experienced helping hand, then don’t wait to get started on Editly.

