At Editly, we are obsessed with how to change AI content to human content to unlock the full benefits of AI for our clients. Whether for business, school, or personal projects, AI can represent a valuable tool for saving time, conducting research, and unlocking creativity. But it cannot replace the human elements that give such projects life. This is where Editly editors are happy to step in and guide you through a humanizing process that you can use to make any AI text into human text.

Steps to Humanize an AI Text

To get you started, we have created a more comprehensive 5-step guide to humanizing any AI text, How to Change AI Text to Human Text in 5 Simple Steps. For this series, however, we have simplified it so that you can begin to learn how to humanize AI text in just 3 steps. To begin, let’s look at an AI text on the topic at hand: “The Benefits of Human Copyeditors.”

AI Text on the Benefits of Editing Services for ESL Students

Editing services offer several advantages for ESL (English as a Second Language) students. Firstly, they provide invaluable language support by correcting grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors, helping students refine their English writing skills. This personalized feedback fosters a deeper understanding of English grammar rules and improves overall language proficiency.

Secondly, editing services enhance the clarity and coherence of ESL students’ writing. Professional editors can restructure sentences and paragraphs to ensure that ideas flow logically, making the content more understandable to readers. This not only improves the quality of academic assignments but also strengthens communication in professional settings.

Lastly, editing services boost ESL students’ confidence in their writing abilities. By receiving constructive feedback and witnessing the improvement in their writing over time, students gain assurance in expressing themselves effectively in English. This confidence not only contributes to academic success but also empowers students to engage more confidently in various social and professional contexts.

Step 1: Find Repetition in the AI Content

Editing services offer several advantages for ESL (English as a Second Language) students. Firstly, they are invaluable for language support by correcting grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors, helping students refine their English writing skills. This personalized feedback fosters a deeper understanding of English grammar rules and improves overall language proficiency.

Secondly, editing services enhance the clarity and coherence of ESL students’ writing. Professional editors can restructure sentences and paragraphs to ensure that ideas flow logically, making the content more understandable to readers. This not only improves the quality of academic assignments but also strengthens communication in professional settings.

Lastly, editing services boost ESL students’ confidence in their writing abilities. By receiving constructive feedback and witnessing the improvement in their writing over time, students are able to gain assurance in expressing themselves effectively in English. This confidence not only contributes to academic success but also empowers students to engage more confidently in various social and professional contexts.

As you can see, the repetition of nouns, verbs, and adjectives permeates the AI content. In fact, more than 28% of the total words in the AI text represent a form of repetition. As you can imagine, this far exceeds even the most monotonous and verbose human text. But, before we can deal with this avalanche of repetition, we need to complete the next step.

Step 2: Find the “To Be” Verbs in the AI Content

Editing services offer several advantages for ESL (English as a Second Language) students. Firstly, they are invaluable for language support by correcting grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors, helping students refine their English writing skills. This personalized feedback fosters a deeper understanding of English grammar rules and improves overall language proficiency.

Secondly, editing services enhance the clarity and coherence of ESL students’ writing. Professional editors can restructure sentences and paragraphs to ensure that ideas flow logically, making the content more understandable to readers. This not only improves the quality of academic assignments but also strengthens communication in professional settings.

Lastly, editing services boost ESL students’ confidence in their writing abilities. By receiving constructive feedback and witnessing the improvement in their writing over time, students are able to gain assurance in expressing themselves effectively in English. This confidence not only contributes to academic success but also empowers students to engage more confidently in various social and professional contexts.

Step 3: Eliminate Repetition and “To Be” Verbs in the AI Content

At this stage, we should make sure that we know exactly what we are seeking to accomplish with repetition. First, if we identify a pair of repeated words, then we only need to eliminate one of them for the repetition to disappear. Furthermore, the urgency of elimination is correlated with proximity. That is, the closer the repeated words, the more they undermine readability and allow immediate recognition as AI-derived. However, the farther apart the repetition, the less likely it is to impact the flow of the text. Finally, it should be noted that every text contains key words that need to be repeated because there simply is not another word or phrase that captures the correct main idea.

On the other hand, “to be” verbs should be approached with the idea that the fewer that appear in a text, the less repetitious and boring it will become. For the “to be” verbs carry many undesirable traits that AI has picked up from its training on bad writing. These include passive voice, repetition, and the use of many words instead of few. Therefore, you should aim to eliminate as many “to be” verbs as possible in the text.

By following Step 3 to its conclusion, we can now change AI to human text.

The Humanized AI Content

Editing services offer several advantages to English as a Second Language students. First, they provide invaluable support by correcting grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors, thereby helping learners refine their writing skills. Indeed, this personalized feedback fosters a deeper comprehension of grammatical rules and improves overall language proficiency.

Additionally, editing services enhance the clarity and coherence of Foreign Language Learners’ writing. Experts can restructure sentences and paragraphs to ensure that ideas flow logically, making the content more understandable to readers. This not only enhances the quality of academic assignments, but also strengthens communication in business settings.

Lastly, editing services boost ESL students’ trust in their writing abilities. By receiving constructive critiques and witnessing their progress over time, students gain assurance in expressing themselves effectively in English. This confidence not only contributes to academic success but also empowers students to engage more dynamically in various social and professional contexts.

AI Text vs Humanized Text

We have bolded the remaining repetition in the humanized text, and you can immediately see the reduction of repetition. However, if we approach it more mathematically, we find that the approximately 28% repetition in the AI writing has been reduced down to approximately 15% repetition in the humanized writing. In other words, the repetition has decreased by more than 46 percent Moreover, the remaining repetition is concentrated in key ideas to the topic such as “editing service,” “English,” “student, and “writing.”

At the same time, we have eliminated every instance of “to be” verbs from the humanized text, thereby allowing us to fix the issues that accompany them — including repetition and verboseness.

The Takeaway

As shown by the expert humanizers at Editly, you can turn AI to human text far better than any text generator or automatic rewriter. And you can do so in just 3 steps. However, if you want a helping hand with experience and expertise, don’t hesitate to get started on Editly.

