Why Should I Use Human Editing for College?

Paul S.
5 min readMay 16, 2024


At Editly AI, we are obsessed with how to change AI content to human content to unlock the full benefits of AI for our clients. In this series, “AI Text to Human Text,” Editly editors guide you through a humanizing process that you can use to make any AI text into human text.

Steps to Humanize an AI Text

We have created a more comprehensive 5-step guide to humanizing any AI text that you can check out here: How to Change AI Text to Human Text in 5 Simple Steps. For this series, however, we have simplified it so that you can begin to learn how to humanize AI text in just 3 steps. To begin, let’s take a look at an AI text on today’s topic: “Why should I use human editing for college?”.

AI Text on the Benefits of Human Editing for College Students

Human editing services offer invaluable support to college students striving for academic excellence. Unlike automated tools, human editors bring a nuanced understanding of language and context, enhancing the clarity and coherence of your writing. They refine arguments, organize ideas, and ensure adherence to disciplinary conventions, ensuring your work is error-free and compellingly articulate.

Moreover, human editors serve as mentors in your academic journey. Their feedback goes beyond surface-level edits, offering tailored suggestions for improvement. By engaging with their critiques, you refine your writing skills and develop a deeper appreciation for effective communication.

Furthermore, collaborating with human editors fosters accountability and ownership over your work. Entrusting your writing to a skilled editor demonstrates a commitment to excellence and a willingness to embrace constructive criticism. This iterative process cultivates resilience and adaptability, essential traits for lifelong scholarly endeavors.

Step 1: Find Repetition in the AI Content

Human editing services are invaluable to college students striving for academic excellence. Unlike automated tools, human editors bring a nuanced understanding of language and context, enhancing the clarity and coherence of your writing. They refine arguments, organize ideas, and ensure adherence to disciplinary conventions, ensuring your work is error-free and compellingly articulate.

Moreover, human editors serve as mentors in your academic journey. Their feedback goes beyond surface-level edits, offering tailored suggestions for improvement. By engaging with their critiques, you refine your writing skills and develop a deeper appreciation for effective communication.

Furthermore, collaborating with human editors is essential to fostering accountability and ownership over your work. Entrusting your writing to a skilled editor demonstrates a commitment to excellence and a willingness to embrace constructive criticism. This iterative process cultivates resilience and adaptability, essential traits for lifelong scholarly endeavors.

As you can see, the repetition of nouns, verbs, and adjectives saturates the AI content. In fact, nearly 20% of the total words in the AI text are some form of content repetition. Before we can deal with this repetition, however, we need to complete the next step.

Step 2: Find the “To Be” Verbs in the AI Content

Human editing services are invaluable to college students striving for academic excellence. Unlike automated tools, human editors bring a nuanced understanding of language and context, enhancing the clarity and coherence of your writing. They refine arguments, organize ideas, and ensure adherence to disciplinary conventions, ensuring your work is error-free and compellingly articulate.

Moreover, human editors serve as mentors in your academic journey. Their feedback goes beyond surface-level edits, offering tailored suggestions for improvement. By engaging with their critiques, you refine your writing skills and develop a deeper appreciation for effective communication.

Furthermore, collaborating with human editors is essential to fostering accountability and ownership over your work. Entrusting your writing to a skilled editor demonstrates a commitment to excellence and a willingness to embrace constructive criticism. This iterative process cultivates resilience and adaptability, essential traits for lifelong scholarly endeavors.

Step 3: Eliminate Repetition and “To Be” Verbs in the AI Content

Now we are ready to identify the importance of the marked repetition. First, the urgency of elimination correlates with proximity. In other words, the closer the repeated words, the more they lessen readability and immediately mark the text as AI-generated. On the other hand, the farther apart the repetition, the less likely it will impact the text’s clarity and coherence. Finally, it should be noted that every text contains key words that need to be repeated because they capture main idea(s).

In terms of the “to be” verbs, we should approach them with the idea that the fewer that appear in a text, the more concise and dynamic the text. For “to be” verbs carry many undesirable traits that AI has picked up from its training on bad writing. These include passive voice, repetition, and the use of many words instead of few. Therefore, you should aim to eliminate as many “to be” verbs as possible.

By following Step 3 to its conclusion, we can change AI to human text in the following way.

The Humanized AI Content

Human editing services provide invaluable support to college students striving for academic excellence. Unlike automated tools, human editors bring a nuanced understanding of language and context, enhancing the clarity and coherence of your assignments. They hone arguments, organize ideas, and guarantee adherence to disciplinary conventions, ensuring your work is error-free and articulate.

Moreover, human editors serve as mentors in your collegiate journey. For their feedback goes beyond surface-level corrections and suggestions, offering tailored tips for improvement. By engaging with their critiques, you refine your writing skills and develop a deeper appreciation for effective communication.

Furthermore, collaborating with human editors fosters accountability and ownership over your work. Entrusting your essays to a skilled editor demonstrates a commitment to excellence and a willingness to embrace constructive criticism. This iterative process cultivates resilience and adaptability, essential traits for lifelong scholarly endeavors.

AI Text vs Humanized Text

We have bolded the remaining repetition in the humanized text, and you can immediately see the reduction of repetition. In fact, we find that the nearly 20% repetition in the AI text has been reduced down to approximately 8% repetition in the humanized text. In other words, the repetition has decreased by more than 60 percent. Moreover, the remaining repetition is concentrated in key ideas to the topic such as “human,” “editor(s),” and “skills.”

At the same time, we have eliminated every instance of “to be” verbs from the humanized text, thereby allowing us to fix the issues that accompany them — including repetition and redundancy.

The Takeaway

As shown by the expert AI humanizers at Editly, you can turn AI to human text far better than any text generator or automatic rewriter. And you can do so in just 3 steps. However, if you want help from AI humanizing professionals, don’t hesitate to get started on Editly.

