Create Content Pillars for Social Media

Pavel Buev
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


Many people believe that content pillars are crucial for a brand’s success on social media. They are specific themes chosen based on your social media content goals. Content pillars help you keep your current social media content strategy consistent while also ensuring that your content remains fresh, relevant, and engaging for your intended audience. Keep reading to discover more about content pillars and how to develop them to maximize the benefits of social media for your business.

What are Content Pillars?

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “content pillars,” don’t worry. Before we discuss how to create your own, let’s briefly explain what they are.

“Content pillars are essentially a set of topics or themes that guide your brand’s post creation. These themes are unique to your brand and are typically based on the most popular content among your online followers. The content pillars you choose should align with your brand’s values, purpose, positioning, tone of voice, aesthetic, and overall feel on social media.” says Pavel Buev from Ocean Power Agency.

For example, content pillars could include company updates, where you share news about your company such as the launch of a new product. If your business is in the wellness sector, you might have a content pillar focused on sharing well-being tips or inspirational self-care quotes to engage your audience.

Why are Content Pillars Important?

Businesses are increasingly realizing the value of social media and are setting their goals and objectives accordingly. However, it’s not just about having goals; it’s crucial to know not only what you want but also how to achieve it.

Creating content pillars makes it easier to produce purposeful content that resonates with your audience and helps you reach your objectives. Additionally, content pillars bring organization to your social media content strategy. Planning becomes simpler when you have specific themes to post about each week. These themes also streamline the brainstorming process because you already have set topics to work with.

Furthermore, content pillars help maintain consistency across all your social media platforms, giving your business a strong online identity. Having content pillars also means your audience knows what to expect from your brand, which can generate excitement and engagement.

How to Create Content Pillars to Meet Your Goals

While content pillars are very useful, every business is unique and has different goals. Therefore, not every content pillar will be suitable for every business. What works for a wellness company may not be as effective for a gym, for example. The content pillars you choose will depend on your customers and the industry you are in.

To create content pillars or choose the right ones for your business, start by examining your brand’s marketing personas. Who are your ideal customers, and what do they want to see on your social media? What platforms do they use? What are their values? How can your products or services solve their problems, and how can you effectively communicate this to them?

Next, it’s important to conduct competitor research. This will help you understand the market you are in and provide value to your online community. Take note of successful competitor posts and analyze the topics they are covering. It’s also essential to stay updated on trends, as these can positively impact your content pillars. Keeping up with current interests will help grow your channels and attract more customers.

Regarding trends, always research the latest big trends on social media. Sometimes, it’s not just a specific phrase but rather short-form TikTok-style content or posts with fewer graphics. Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment and learn from trial and error. See what works at the moment and identify areas for improvement.


Content pillars can help you enhance your social media content to reach your online goals. Creating them is straightforward and allows you to be more strategic. If you need help creating content pillars for your brand or developing a social media strategy to become a leader in your industry, feel free to reach out to us.



Pavel Buev

I'm a professional in Online Marketing. I have 20 years of experience in SEO in high-competitive niches.