From Local to Global — The International SEO Keyword Research Guide

Pavel Buev
12 min readMay 30, 2024


When you hear the word “barbie,” do you think of a toy or a backyard cookout*? It depends on where you’re from. Using the right keywords in your web content is crucial for success in foreign markets. To help you navigate language differences, I’ve put together this International SEO Keyword Research Guide along with a list of the best international keyword research tools. Enjoy!

*Americans associate “Barbie” with a doll, whereas Australians often use it to refer to a barbecue.

Why Brands Expand Globally

Brands expand beyond their home country to:

1. Reach a larger customer base

2. Capitalize on untapped consumer demand

3. Stay ahead of competitors

None of these goals can be achieved if your international SEO and sales strategy fails. And it will fail if your marketing communication, including your web content, doesn’t match the language of your target audience.

When I say “different language,” I don’t just mean obvious ones like English, Korean, or Spanish. People in other countries, your potential new customers, have unique search habits. They might be looking for the exact products or services you offer but using entirely different terms and phrases than your native customers. This is crucial to remember when doing international SEO keyword research.

International SEO: The Fuel for Global Business Growth

In today’s interconnected digital world, expanding your business globally is more achievable than ever. The internet offers endless opportunities, and crossing borders online can be a cost-effective way to scale your business.

The Key to Success

Understanding the most popular keywords in your industry, as used by your target audience, is essential. Leveraging these keywords in your web content and marketing communications will help you reach and engage diverse audiences across different countries and languages.

Mastering International SEO

To effectively expose your brand to new markets, mastering International SEO is crucial. Not sure how to attract international customers online? Check out “Global SEO — The Complete Guide” for tips and common optimization mistakes.

The International SEO Process

International SEO involves two main tasks:

1. Adapting Your Web Content for International Users

2. Handling the Technical Aspects of a Multi-Language Website

Each of these tasks includes several sub-steps. For example, when working on the technical aspects, you need to choose the right domain strategy for foreign markets and use hreflang tags to indicate different language versions of your website.

For web content, conducting comprehensive international keyword research is crucial. Without the right keywords, you can’t optimize your content to ensure its visibility in search engine results.

Combining Technical SEO and Keyword Research

By combining technical SEO with effective international keyword research strategies, you can drive relevant organic traffic to your website from around the world.

If you already know the basics of keyword research for your local audience and have mastered finding trending keywords, it’s time to expand your skills. Now, let’s dive into understanding international keyword research…

How Keyword Research for International SEO Differs from Local SEO

Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of SEO. It involves identifying the specific words and phrases people use when searching for products or services online and understanding the search intent behind each query.

Keyword research acts as a compass, guiding you to create relevant and optimized content that resonates with your target audience. However, international keyword research is more complex than local SEO.

The Challenge of Going Global

When expanding your brand globally, you can’t just copy your local keyword strategy. Different countries, languages, and search habits require a unique approach. It’s like entering a new world filled with cultural nuances and linguistic twists.

To succeed in international keyword research, you need to become a cultural detective. Understand the local language, slang, idioms, and search habits specific to each target market. It’s about getting into the minds and hearts of your international audience, and figuring out what makes them tick and click.

The “Barbie” Example

Consider the example of the word “barbie.” In America, “barbie” typically refers to a doll, while in Australia, it means a barbecue. Let’s look at Google Trends to see the differences in search term popularity between American (red) and Australian (blue) users.

Adapting Your Strategy

If you’re an Australian BBQ seller using keywords like “barbie recipes” and “barbie,” you’re doing well in your local market. However, using the same terms for the American audience won’t work. Americans searching for “barbie” are usually looking for dolls, not grill accessories. This mismatch can lead to no web traffic or a higher bounce rate as users quickly leave your site.

The Language Barrier

Even when countries speak the same language, the meanings of words can vary. Adapting your content to an audience that speaks a completely different language adds another layer of complexity.

Steps for International Keyword Research

Here’s how you can conduct international keyword research to find the best search terms for your marketing communication and website optimization:

1. Understand Local Context: Learn the cultural nuances and local terminology of your target market.

2. Use Local Tools: Utilize tools like Google Trends, local keyword planners, and search engines popular in your target country.

3. Analyze Competitors: Study your international competitors to see which keywords they are using successfully.

4. Engage with the Local Audience: Use forums, social media, and local reviews to understand what terms your target audience uses.

By following these steps, you can find the right keywords to optimize your content for international markets, ensuring it resonates with your global audience and improves your search engine rankings.

Step-by-Step Guide to International SEO Keyword Research

Now that you understand the unique challenges of international SEO, let’s equip you with the strategies needed for global success. Here is a five-step guide to conducting international SEO keyword research.

Step 1: Identify Target Markets and Languages

Typically, you aim for the predominant language of a specific country, like Portuguese in Brazil or Danish in Denmark. However, sometimes you may target different groups within a country. For example, in Germany, you might focus on search terms used by Turks or Italians, significant ethnic communities. Similarly, you could target Chinese-speaking customers in Canada or Spanish-speaking communities in the USA.

Step 2: Understand User Intent in Different Regions

Partner with a native speaker or someone familiar with the target language and culture. Knowing the exact words your target audience uses to find your products or services is crucial. Simply translating keywords from your language may not be effective. Focus on the search intent. For instance, Norwegians looking for holiday accommodations might search for the destination city followed by “hotel.” Americans often use “near me” for services, while Germans add “kaufen” (buy) for online shopping.

Step 3: Use Keyword Research Tools Effectively

Once you’ve gathered keywords aligned with search intent, use SEO tools to analyze keyword metrics. This provides valuable insights into keyword performance and helps refine your international SEO strategy. The goal is to speak the language of your target audience and understand their search behaviors.

Step 4: Analyze Keyword Competition in Foreign Markets

Analyze competition in foreign markets to identify highly competitive and less competitive niches. For example, targeting the Italian market, you might find “abbigliamento” (clothing) or “scarpe di moda” (fashion shoes) highly competitive. However, niches like “abiti vintage” (vintage dresses) or “accessori artigianali” (handcrafted accessories) might offer better opportunities. Understanding keyword competition helps you strategically choose keywords to optimize your content and improve your chances of success.

Step 5: Refine and Finalize the Keyword List

After gathering potential keywords, filter them to focus on profitable ones. Consider search volume, search intent, relevance, and competition. Remove irrelevant or low-performing terms, concentrating on those with high potential to drive targeted traffic. Consult a native speaker to refine your list, ensuring the keywords match the local language, cultural preferences, and search behaviors.

Best Tools for International SEO Keyword Research

When choosing a multilingual keyword research tool, consider factors like data accuracy, usability, and language support. Look for tools offering search volume data, keyword suggestions, and competitor analysis tailored to different languages.

Google Keyword Planner

- Pros: Free and easy to use

- Cons: Limited keyword suggestions for non-advertisers

- Recommended Use: Ideal for beginners or those on a tight budget

- Tips: Use multiple short-tail keywords for more comprehensive results

-Cost: Free, but more comprehensive data requires running at least one ad campaign


- Pros: Robust keyword database and competitive analysis features

- Cons: Higher cost compared to other SEO tools

- Recommended Use: For in-depth competitor research

- Tips: Use the “keyword gap” tool to find opportunities

- Cost: Starts at $99.95 per month


- Pros: Extensive keyword research features

- Cons: Expensive pricing for full access to all features

- Recommended Use: Focus on competitor analysis

- Tips: Utilize the “Content Gap” tool to discover content opportunities

- Cost: Starts at $99 per month

- Pros: Generates keyword suggestions from various sources

- Cons: Some advanced features require a paid plan

- Recommended Use: For a wide range of keyword ideas

- Tips: Explore different keyword sources like YouTube and Amazon

- Cost: Starts at $69 per month


- Pros: Provides keyword suggestions and competitive analysis

- Cons: Limited access to some features in the free version

- Recommended Use: For a user-friendly tool with basic functionality

- Tips: Analyze the “Content Ideas” section for topic inspiration

- Cost: Free and premium plans available

Running International Keyword Research

Using Google Keyword Planner

1. Set Up an Account: Sign up for Google Ads if you haven’t already.

2. Access Keyword Planner: Navigate to Tools & Settings > Keyword Planner.

3. Enter Keywords: Input short-tail keywords relevant to your target market.

4. Analyze Results: Review search volume, competition, and keyword suggestions.

5. Refine Keywords: Focus on terms with high search volume and low competition.

Using SEMrush

1. Create an Account: Sign up for SEMrush and log in.

2. Keyword Magic Tool: Go to Keyword Magic Tool and enter your primary keyword.

3. Filter by Country: Select the target country to see localized results.

4. Analyze Keywords: Review search volume, difficulty, and related keywords.

5. Use Keyword Gap Tool: Identify keyword opportunities by comparing your site with competitors.

Using Google Search Console

1. Set Up Google Search Console: If you haven’t already, verify your site.

2. Performance Report: Go to Performance > Search Results.

3. Filter by Country: Select the target country to view relevant queries.

4. Analyze Queries: Look at the top queries, click-through rate (CTR), and positions.

5. Refine Content: Optimize content based on high-performing queries.

By leveraging these tools, you can conduct effective international keyword research, helping you optimize your content for global markets and reach a diverse audience.

Overcoming Language & Cultural Barriers in Keyword Research

Simply translating keywords from one language to another isn’t enough. You need to consider how people in different cultures express their needs and preferences. It’s more about identifying and understanding the target audience’s search intent rather than just changing search phrases from one language to another.

To illustrate the difference between translation and localization in international keyword research, here are five real-life examples:

Shopping for Footwear in France

Imagine you own an e-commerce business selling shoes. Targeting the French market by translating “shoes” to “chaussures” may not be effective. Localization requires understanding that French consumers often search for specific types of shoes, like “baskets” for sneakers or “escarpins” for high heels. Knowing these preferences is crucial to adopting keywords that resonate with French customers.

Going on Vacation as a German

Consider a travel agency wanting to attract German tourists. Directly translating “vacation destinations” to “Urlaubsziele” captures the essence but might miss the mark. Localization involves understanding that German travelers often search for “Reiseziele” or “Urlaubsorte” when planning trips. Using these terms in your web content will help increase visibility among the German-speaking audience.

Ordering Pizza in Spanish

For an online food delivery service expanding into the Spanish-speaking market, translating “pizza delivery” to “entrega de pizza” might not connect with local searchers. Localization requires recognizing that in some Spanish-speaking countries, people commonly search for “pedido de pizza” or “envío de pizza.” Tailoring keywords to specific language variations improves search rankings and attracts customers from different Spanish-speaking regions.

Looking for a Smartphone in Japan

Assume you’re a technology company expanding into the Japanese market. Translating “smartphone” to “スマートフォン” (sumātofon) captures the term but misses specific search behaviors of Japanese users. Localization means recognizing that Japanese consumers often search for specific brands or features, such as “iPhone 13” or “防水スマートフォン” (waterproof smartphone). Using these localized keywords enhances visibility and attracts Japanese customers searching for specific smartphone-related terms.

Hitting the Gym in Portugal

Imagine a fitness brand aiming to reach the Portuguese-speaking market. Translating “workout routines” to “retinas de exercícios” provides a basic understanding, but localization requires delving into local fitness culture and preferences. The brand might discover that Portuguese speakers often search for specific workout types, such as “treino cardio” for cardio workouts or “treino funcional” for functional training. Incorporating these localized keywords tailors content to the target audience’s interests and improves search visibility among Portuguese-speaking users.

By focusing on localization rather than mere translation, you can effectively connect with international audiences, understand their unique search behaviors, and optimize your content to meet their specific needs.

Tips & Best Practices for International SEO Keyword Research

We’ve covered a lot of ground! You now have valuable insights into international SEO keyword research. You understand the importance of grasping your audience’s search intent, localizing keywords, using multilingual tools, and embracing cultural nuances. But there’s more to explore. Here’s a quick rundown of the must-dos and avoid-at-all-costs when it comes to international SEO keyword research.

Top 5 Dos of International Keyword Research

1. Understand Your Target Audience

- Gain a deep understanding of the cultural preferences, language nuances, and search behaviors of your target audience in each specific market.

2. Localize Your Keywords

- Adapt your keywords to match the language and search patterns of your target market. Use localized terms, colloquial expressions, and industry-specific jargon to improve relevance.

3. Use Multilingual Keyword Research Tools

- Utilize reliable multilingual keyword research tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz to explore keyword opportunities and gain insights into search volumes and competition across different languages.

4. Consider Long-Tail Keywords

- Focus on long-tail keywords that reflect specific user intent and localized search queries. These keywords often have less competition and can help you target a more specific audience.

5. Monitor and Analyze Keyword Performance

- Regularly track the performance of your chosen keywords in search engine rankings. Monitor changes in rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement to refine your keyword strategy.

Top 5 Don’ts of International Keyword Research

1. Don’t Rely Solely on Translation

- Avoid translating keywords directly from one language to another. Instead, focus on understanding each target market’s search intent and cultural nuances to choose the most appropriate keywords.

2. Don’t Neglect Local Keyword Research

- Don’t assume that the keywords that work well in one country will automatically be effective in another. Conduct thorough local keyword research to uncover specific terms and phrases used by your target audience.

3. Don’t Ignore Competitor Analysis

- Neglecting competitor analysis can limit your keyword research insights. Analyze the keywords your competitors are targeting and identify gaps or opportunities that you can leverage.

4. Don’t Overlook Search Engine Preferences

- Different search engines may dominate specific markets. Consider the popular search engines in your target countries and tailor your keyword research and optimization strategies accordingly.

5. Don’t Forget to Analyze the Cultural Context

- Take into account the cultural context when selecting and optimizing keywords. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities, local customs, and preferences to ensure your keywords resonate with your target audience.

How to Keep up with Ever-Changing SEO & Industry Trends

Language evolves, and so does SEO. It’s a fast-paced world, so if you want to stay visible in the international market, you need to stay updated with the latest trends. This involves keeping up with your industry, the languages spoken in your target countries, and changes in search algorithms. Here’s how:

1. Monitor Analytics and Performance Metrics

- Regularly analyze your website’s performance using tools like Google Analytics 4 and Google Search Console. Track key metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, bounce rate, and conversion rate to identify changes in search traffic and user behavior.

2. Follow Reliable SEO News Sources

- Subscribe to newsletters or RSS feeds of trusted SEO news websites to receive timely updates on algorithm changes, industry trends, and emerging SEO strategies.

3. Visit Industry Blogs Regularly

- Follow popular bloggers and vloggers in your target country’s industry and stay updated with their content. They’ll keep you informed about new trends and changes in language.

A Summary of International SEO Keyword Research

Without understanding the language, culture, and search habits, your SEO efforts in foreign markets can quickly turn into a game of charades — and you don’t want that.

Before entering a new market, conduct international SEO keyword research. This gives you valuable insights to help you engage with new international audiences.

International keyword research helps you understand local customer behavior. Language and cultural nuances play a huge role in connecting with your target customers in foreign markets.

Partnering with a language specialist can help you overcome language barriers and optimize your website for local search engines.

Key Takeaway: Don’t Just Translate, Localize

Instead of just translating your keywords, focus on adapting them to the local context and culture. This approach ensures that your content resonates with the target audience and drives maximum visibility and engagement.

If you need guidance on identifying target markets, optimizing your content for different languages, or refining your international SEO strategy, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to start your global expansion!



Pavel Buev

I'm a professional in Online Marketing. I have 20 years of experience in SEO in high-competitive niches.